包法利夫人 (福楼拜) -下载
《包法利夫人》中的“雾气”意象暗含了人在与自然和社会相处时的迷惘困惑 ,不安焦躁 ;
In Madam Bovary, the fog implies that a man appears perplexity, upset and agitation when he is involved with nature and society;
Emma Bovary, the wife of a kindly but dull country doctor, yearns for a life of luxury and romance that she has read about in popular novels.
After the novel Madame Bovary was published, Flaubert who was far away from modern times he disliked and turn into the magnificent ancient world created a historical novel Salammb.
Maurice Guest joins Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina, as the lyrical sweep of Richardson's prose reveals every intimate tremor felt by a human heart obsessed with the love of another. Carmen Callil
Maurice Guest joins Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina, as the lyrical sweep of Richardson's prose reveals every intimate tremor felt by a human heart obsessed with the love of another. Carmen Callil