• 道路暴躁情绪会相关匿名者汽车中兴奋起来

    Road rage bubbles up in the relative anonymity of one’s car.


  • 我们匿名者

    We are Anonymous.


  • 也许听说过匿名者许多事情有些真的,有些是

    You have likely heard many things about Anonymous, some of them are true and some of them are not.


  • 因为互联网大部分匿名之间联系,所以喜欢互联网。

    I do not like Internet, because a majority of connections are between anonymous people.


  • 就像Berners-Lee所说:“一个万无一失匿名者非常困难的。

    As Tim Berners-Lee has said: "It is very difficult to make a foolproof anonymiser.


  • 匿名一个分支组织此前曾经入侵了CIA英国重大组织犯罪网站

    A splinter group of Anonymous has previously hacked the website of the CIA and of Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency.


  • 这次网络袭击事件发生匿名”组织21成员美国英国荷兰被捕之后。

    The cyber attack comes days after 21 suspected members of Anonymous were arrested in the us, Britain and the Netherlands.


  • 近期内有很多匿名者英文广告链接发现,一律禁止IP

    In the near future there are many who made the anonymous English class advertising links, if any, will be prohibited from IP!


  • 正是这种背景下匿名者组织发起名为伊卡诺斯”的行动追击阴谋集团。

    It is against this background that Anonymous has launched the operation code named 'Icarus', to go after the cabals.


  • 慢慢解开匿名面纱时,可能我们看到这些攻讦不再令人害怕的怪物,他们其实还是人类

    In slowly lifting the veil of anonymity, perhaps we can see the troll not as the frightening monster of lore, but as what we all really are: human.


  • 巴塞罗那谈判代表被告之采取戏剧化行动。”一位与非洲集团关系密切匿名者

    The negotiators here in Barcelona were told to make a dramatic action, " said one source close to the group.


  • 记住互联网并非浓缩在电脑的美好世界,相反,它就像一个无人管制的大都市匿名在里面如鱼得水。

    Remember: the Internet is not the comfortable little world inside your computer, but a vast unpoliced city that favors the anonymous.


  • 星期六夜间11时许,”文章写道,“匿名电话报警,称榆树大街橡树大街交界处有人打群架

    "Saturday night at 11PM, " the article read, "an anonymous caller reported a brawl at the intersection of Elm and Oak.


  • 否则的话他们势必本周债券拍卖会上的那样,为了应付匿名者谣言而提高储备,以避免增加借债成本

    Instead, this week it will deal with anonymous quotes as it tries to raise funds in a Wednesday bond auction amid increasing borrowing costs on its debt.


  • 匿名”宣称针对“战略预测”公司这次以圣诞节为灵感袭击只是开始,公布也只是部分客户名单

    Anonymous taunted in a message on Twitter, promising that the attack on Stratfor was just the beginning of a Christmas-inspired assault on a long list of targets.


  • 何为匿名匿名者不是某种组织,不是个人。一个理念具体说,这个理念就是我们所有人都应得自由

    What is Anonymous? Anoynmous is not a group, it is not a person. It is an idea. Specifically it is the idea, that all of us deserve FREEDOM.


  • 匿名组织作为伊卡诺斯行动先锋,率幽灵小队成功造成超过30个央行网站脱机包含许多西方帝国资本核心网。

    The Anonymous group spearheading OpIcarus, Ghost Squad Hackers, has successfully taken more than 30 central Banks offline, including many in the heart of the Western Capitalist Imperialist Empires.


  • 作品个人对话古人个今人,一个僧人和一个当代艺术家,一个信徒和一个无神论,一个匿名和一个签名

    It is a conversation between an ancient and a modern person, a monk and a contemporary artist, a believer and an atheist, an anonym and a signer.


  • 匿名者攻击amazon失败(因为缺少支持服务器能力有限)表明DDoS攻击的未来黑客行为主义自己有关。

    The failure of Anonymous to take down Amazon (by either lack of support or strength of server) shows that the future of DDoS attacks lies only with the "hacktivists" themselves.


  • 上个月另一个叫CarlaFranklin的模特要求Youtube显示那个在这个视频分享网站诽谤匿名信息。

    Last month, another former model, Carla Franklin, persuaded a judge to force YouTube to reveal the identity of a troll who made a disparaging comment about her on the video-sharing site.


  • 这个案例涉及俄罗斯乌拉尔通讯社这个乌拉尔山最大新闻通讯社。 这家通讯社受到关闭威胁原因匿名者这个因特网论坛上所作出评论

    The case involves URA.ru, the largest news agency in the Ural Mountains region, which has been threatened with a shutdown because of anonymous comments made on its Internet forum.


  • 提到大执事archdeaconTheodosius报告,一个匿名者后来一份名为耶路撒冷摘要一些后来的资料都提到有关用餐的事情。

    There is mention of this meal in the report of Archdeacon Theodosius and in the anonymous little work called "the Jerusalem Breviary," as also in subsequent writings.


  • 沉溺爱情顾问、《成瘾SusanPeabody爱情上瘾匿名者协会共同创办人Susan PeabodyFisher研究关于化学基础突破性研究之一

    Susan Peabody, love addiction counselor, author of "Addiction to Love" and co-founder of Love Addicts Anonymous, said Fisher's study is among the most groundbreaking studies on the chemistry of love.


  • 在接到匿名电话报警数百购物商店地区道路封锁

    Following a telephone call to the police from an anonymous caller, hundreds of shoppers were shepherded out of the store while roads in the area were sealed off.


  • 封信来自一个匿名的离间

    The letter had come from an unknown mischief-maker.


  • 众多因素所依赖的考试成绩只不过某个匿名主考主观评价

    The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner.


  • 引用一位匿名祝福送给T恤上的话,进化地球伟大的表演,是唯一的选择。

    Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town.


  • 引用一位匿名祝福送给T恤上的话,进化地球伟大的表演,是唯一的选择。

    Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town.


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