• 十万走上街头纪念一时刻

    Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to mark the occasion.


  • 十万处于危险中。

    Hundreds of thousands of people are at risk.


  • 十万立陶宛首都维尔纽斯中心

    Hundreds of thousands of people have crowded into the centre of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius.


  • 专家们劳工运动损失十万美元更多

    Experts say the cost of the industrial action will be hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.


  • 没有达到十万美元不屑一顾经济境况

    I'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand dollars.


  • 一些作品已经十万英镑

    Some of his pieces have been sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds.


  • 可得花费十万美元

    This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars!


  • 即使是一简单的西装要花十万英镑

    Even a simple suit can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.


  • 听说有任何传染病十万跨国药的人中传播蔓延。

    I haven't heard of any raging epidemics among the hundreds of thousands of people buying cross border.


  • 儿子道格十万高中毕业生中的员,他们经历苦难。

    Her son Doug is one of several hundred thousand high-school seniors who had a painful fall.


  • 它们很小,可以轻易房子里成群地生活数量几万十万迅速繁殖

    They are small enough to easily slip inside your house, live in colonies that number in the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands, and reproduce quickly.


  • 虽然这项研究是以苏格兰植物生存为基础,但是我们模式适用于跨越十万平方公里地区

    Although the study is based on plant life in Scotland, our models apply across regions spanning hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.


  • 这种开发已经达到了如此极端的程度以至于,目前看来本世纪之前十万物种灭绝

    This exploitation has reached such extremes that presently it appears that some hundreds of thousands of species will be extinguished before the end of the century.


  • 在这里可能形式储存数百甚至十万年,然后再融水形式释放液态水系统中。

    Here water may be stored in ice form for hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of years before being released again into the liquid water system as meltwater.


  • 英国215儿童有28%患有肥胖症,利兹市实现全国性转变延长十万寿命

    When 28% of English children aged two to 15 are obese, a national shift on the scale achieved by Leeds would lengthen hundreds of thousands of lives.


  • 同位素年代记录显示过去十万全球波动模式冰河期大约10万年发生一次

    The dated isotope record shows that the fluctuations in global ice volume over the past several hundred thousand years have a pattern: an ice age occurs roughly once every 100,000 years.


  • 2010年以来,干旱昆虫已经导致加州超过1亿棵树死亡其中大部分发生2016年,野火已经烧毁了十万英亩土地。

    Already, since 2010, drought and insects have killed over 100 million trees in California, most of them in 2016 alone, and wildfires have burned hundreds of thousands of acres.


  • 这家公司买卖十万石油

    The company buys and sells about 600,000 barrels of oil a day.


  • 这种型号允许检查十万多个不同单词的拼写。

    This model allows you to spell-check over 100,000 different words.


  • 这家报纸被以五十万英镑诽谤损害赔偿金

    The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds.


  • 公司列出流动资产为五千六百九十万美元。

    The company lists its current assets at $56.9 million.


  • 双方都面临最高可达一百二十万美元的财产没收。

    Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.


  • 马丁一家一百四十万美元他们房子了。

    The Martins sold their house for about 1.4 million dollars.


  • 石油输出国组织的石油产量目前保持每天两千一百五十万桶左右

    OPEC production is holding at around 21.5 million barrels a day.


  • 最近比赛七个城市吸引了超过十万名的流行歌星效仿者前来试镜。

    The latest competition drew more than 100,000 pop star wannabes to auditions in seven cities.


  • 目前澳大利亚大约十万只考拉

    At present, there are about 100,000 koalas in Australia.


  • 我们估计财产大约十万美元

    We rated his fortune at about one hundred thousand dollars.


  • 国有四十万人慢慢地戒烟,有心脏问题的人数下降了超2%。

    400,000 people in England have given up smoking slowly and the number of people with heart problems has fallen by more than 2%.


  • 厂不认同工人生病是因为水质的说法,但1996年法官下令辛克利工厂向受害者每人赔偿五十万美元(大约有600病人,所以共3.33亿美元)。

    The factory didn't agree that the people were ill because of the water, but in 1996 the judge ordered the factory to pay the people in Hinkley $500,000 each (there were about 600 sick people, so that was $333 million in total) .


  • 十万美元吗?

    Do you have half a million dollars?


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