Ten years ago today the world's last major financial crisis began in Bangkok with speculative attacks on the Thai baht.
Several decades age, you were born on that day! And, that's all! Life is special for someone else! So It should be someone else to remember it for you!
The G20, created after the emerging-market crises a decade ago, is not perfect for today’s problems.
Today, 54% of the traffic originating in Asia goes through Unites States compared to 91% ten years ago.
The conditions that existed ten years ago are reproduced today.
But it's not that the campaign isn't trying to speak to the youth of today, as opposed to the youth of decades ago.
Many of these stars come from decades past, so they've had more time to rack up divorces than today's under-40 crowd of celebrities.
TEN years after Microsoft was dragged before the courts, all its big antitrust cases are back in the news.
由于现代技术对基因证据的解码,今天人们对史前时代( prehistory)伟大(迁徙)运动(great movements)的了解甚至比十年前其受质疑时还要多。
Thanks to modern techniques for decoding genetic evidence, far more is known today about the great movements of prehistory than was suspected even a decade ago.
But after a decade of intelligence-gathering, counter-attacks and defensive measures, America does seem a good deal less vulnerable than it was on September 10th ten years ago.
Most servers default to 640x480, a size that made more sense almost a decade ago when VNC was first invented than it does on common hardware now.
Today, the homeless man who used to sleep near my condo showed up at my door wearing the business suit I gave him nearly 10 years ago.
There are differences between today and the dotcom bubble of a decade ago.
The first year, I thought what our marriage would like to be ten years later. Today, I plaint that why should our marriage like that ten years ago.
Had we turned away refugees a few decades ago, Priscilla's family wouldn't be here today.
Yes. When you remember yourselves five or ten years ago, do you recognize the changes thus far?
You can weigh the same amount today as you weighed ten years ago but be much less healthy because your muscle has been replaced with fat.
Who you are today was determined by what you thought and did ten years ago.
Who you are today was determined by what you thought and did ten years ago.
A design that worked ten years ago might not even be worth considering today.
Is your experience of Christ richer today than it was ten years ago?
The other thing which is clear today is that the prevailing assumption ten years ago that media consumption patterns globally would more or less mimic the US market is seriously flawed.
A decade ago hedge funds managed $257 billion. Today the world has more than 8,000 hedge funds, managing more than $1 trillion (see chart).
I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more-than-a-decade-old video are one of them.
It doesn't matter who you were a decade ago, a year ago, or even yesterday... What matters is who you are today, and will be tomorrow!
It doesn't matter who you were a decade ago, a year ago, or even yesterday, What matters is who you are today, and will be tomorrow!
It doesn't matter who you were a decade ago, a year ago, or even yesterday, What matters is who you are today, and will be tomorrow!