Because to misspell is human; to have no idea of correct spelling is to be semiliterate.
旁白 :梅迪的应用界面帮助文盲与半文盲的用户学会使用电子银行等服务。
Wordless: Medhi's interfaces guide illiterate and semiliterate users through tasks such as electronic banking. Credit: Indrani Medhi/Microsoft Research India
A recent USA TODAY article reported that 90 million Americans are functionally illiterate.
As many as half remained illiterate or semi-illiterate in both Vietnamese and English and never became U.S. citizens.
Illiterate and semi-illiterate population in this table refers to the population aged 15 and over, who are unable or very difficult to read.
The proportion of the aged, illiterate and handicapped and the incidence rate of chronic disease in the poorest were higher than the common.
He told an inquiry: "Many of them are semi-literate," adding that he was starting to feel "as if I am wasting my time with today's students".
He also lingers over the oddly aloof version of intimacy he fashioned with Deborah Read, his semiliterate wife, and his illegitimate son, William, whom he would raise but eventually disown.
Now the proportion of people from countryside has been the most part of the whole population and so as to the percentage of the illiterate and half-illiterate people, especially in YunNan Province.
Now the proportion of people from countryside has been the most part of the whole population and so as to the percentage of the illiterate and half-illiterate people, especially in YunNan Province.