• 因为这个星期妻子坐飞机前往卡尔加里之后就是一个单亲上班母亲了。

    Because this week, after my wife jetted off to Calgary, I am a single, working mother.


  • 单亲母亲需要家人教会这个大家庭帮助,而单亲的父亲亦需要指引鼓励

    A single mother needs the help of her family and her church family. A single father needs guidance and encouragement.


  • 逐步上升离婚率不仅是产生单亲根源也是当前使另外几种家庭形式变得更为普遍的一个根源。

    The escalated divorce rate is a source not only of single parenting but also of several other family forms more common now.


  • 单亲孩子或者是破裂家庭的孩子学校表现得到了较差的工作并且继续拥有着非婚生的孩子。

    Children of single parents or broken families do worse in school, get worse jobs and go on to have children out of wedlock.


  • 是的确实有些因为各种原因而单亲孩子但是如果故意制造这种情况在道德上错误的。

    Yes, there are children raised by single parents through all sorts of circumstances, but when you are talking about deliberately creating children in that way, that is morally wrong.


  • 母爱最伟大《弗里斯太太实验室老鼠这本小说中,一只单亲老鼠妈妈告诉了我们母爱伟大。

    It's said that there's no greater love than a mother's love. In the novel, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, a widowed mouse shows how far a mother's love can stretch.


  • 一个孩子全责资助包括对这个小孩整年照顾教育大部分情况下,这种帮助针对贫穷的丧失双亲单亲孩子,他们没有家庭或帮助。

    Full Sponsorship of a child covers year-round care and education of an individual child. In most cases the support is for poor orphaned or semi-orphaned children who have no family home or support.


  • 当时作为一个单亲家长抚养3个孩子

    I was bringing up my three children as a single parent.


  • 单亲父母往往其他父母给予孩子更多自主性

    Single parents tend to grant more independence to their children than other parents do.


  • 收到大量单亲家长来信

    I have had an enormous number of letters from single parents.


  • 单亲家庭孩子应该受到侮辱。

    Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatized.


  • 孩子们普遍愿意平静安宁的生活即使意味着只能单亲生活在一起。

    Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.


  • 这种情况无论双亲家庭还是单亲家庭孩子身上都会发生。

    This happens whether the children are in two-parent or one-parent families.


  • 主要是因为女性男性有可能成为孩子一起生活单亲父母

    This is mainly because women are more likely than men to be single parents living with their children.


  • 相比之下,孩子们单亲母亲在一起的时间只有9个小时

    In contrast, children spent only 9 hours with their single mothers.


  • ·卡底特律一个贫穷单亲家庭长大

    Ban Carson grew up in a poor single-parent household in Detroit.


  • 这些政策分析人士认为造成问题主要原因不是工资不平等而是工资加上单亲家庭,并且不分性别

    These policy analysts believe that the problem is not caused primarily by wage inequity but rather by low wages coupled with single parent hood, regardless of sex.


  • 丽莎一位小儿子一起住单亲母亲

    Lisa was a single mother who lived with her little son.


  • 我们希望政府我们希望他们单亲母亲应该事情提起注意

    We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents.


  • 研究数据表明美国妇女当家的单亲家庭存在大量贫困现象

    Research data indicate that there is a great deal of poverty in the United States among single-parent families headed by women.


  • 猩猩母亲们则要面对长达养育幼儿单亲生活。

    Orangutan mothers face up to eight years of single parenthood raising their infants.


  • 仔细阅读文本就会发现样本大多数头生子女来自没有父亲单亲家庭。

    A careful reading of the text reveals that most of the firstborn children in the sample were from single-parent homes in which the father was absent.


  • 然而,一些自我控制能力研究对象可能收入非常单亲父母,父母的健康状况很差,很可能是重度药物滥用者。

    Whereas some of the low self-control study members are more likely to be single parents with a very low income and the parent is in poor health and likely to be a heavy substance abuser.


  • 索诺拉成年后,她理解了她的父亲作为单亲父亲在抚养孩子方面所体现出的力量和无私。

    After Sonora became an adult, she understood the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.


  • 一位单亲父亲的记录表明几乎每天酗酒中度过,并且垃圾食品。

    One single dad’s diary shows him eating nothing but junk for days on end.


  • 解释道,在她9单亲母亲做着份全职工作

    She explained that her single mother took a full-time job when she was 9.


  • 做好成为一个单亲妈妈准备了吗?

    Are you prepared to be a single mother?


  • 所以我们社会禁止单亲家长抚养小孩

    That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.


  • 所以我们社会禁止单亲家长抚养小孩

    That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.


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