• 卫生部长受到来自各方的责难。

    The health minister has come under fire from all sides.


  • 卫生部长最近提出一系列旨在减少 Gandania烟草使用法律

    The health secretary recently proposed a series of laws aimed at curtailing tobacco use in Gandania.


  • 2013年11月进行一轮不必要额外商议后英国卫生部长·埃里森表示政府最终还是打算继续进行

    In November 2013, after an unnecessary round of additional consultation, health minister Jane Ellison said the government was minded to proceed after all.


  • 2012年6月当时公共卫生部长表示政府并不惧怕食品行业也不排除立法可能性,因为英国国民健康服务体系需要承担肥胖成本

    In June 2012, the then minister for public health said the government was not scared of the food industry and had not ruled out legislation, because of the costs of obesity to the NHS.


  • 做出一个最好决定就是——任命乔伊斯林·埃尔斯博士为卫生部长

    One of the best appointments I made was Dr. Joycelyn Elders to be the director of the Department of Health.


  • 其次,如《非洲卫生环境利伯维尔宣言》所表明那样,你们确保环境部长卫生部长并肩工作

    Second, you have ensured that ministers of the environment work in tandem with ministers of health, as articulated in the Libreville Declaration on Health and the Environment in Africa.


  • 所以法律某些权力委托卫生部长行使,授权制定相关规则并在其授权范围发生法律效力

    Therefore the main Act delegates certain powers to the Minister of Health who makes rules having the force of law within the scope of the authority delegated to him.


  • 墨西哥卫生部长何塞天使科尔多瓦虽然一些怀疑死亡已经略有上升,形势比较稳定” 。

    Mexico's Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova has said that although the number of suspected fatalities has risen slightly, the situation is "more or less stable".


  • 最近因为支持公共卫生部长发出“可以‘不可以‘肥胖’”呼吁而遭到一些网站抨击

    Recently, I found myself on the receiving end of some vitriolic website commentary after I backed the public health minister's call for patients to be told they are "fat" rather than "obese".


  • 菲律宾卫生部长欧纳表示世界上第70亿人口降生在菲律宾,菲律宾审视人口问题契机

    Health Secretary Enrique Ona said the arrival of the world's seven billionth baby also presented the Philippines with an opportunity to assess population related issues.


  • 后来卫生部长任内外国药厂威胁取消他们HIV药物专利权,迫使他们降低价格

    Then, as health minister he took on two big foreign drugmakers, threatening to break the patents on their HIV drugs and getting them to cut their prices.


  • 卫生部长安迪·伯纳姆(AndyBurnham)已经劝告孕妇不要严重禽流感爆发地区旅游

    Health secretary Andy Burnham has said warnings issued in the past to deter pregnant women from travelling during outbreaks related to bird flu, a much more severe form of the virus.


  • 区域各国卫生部长开始讨论如何分享结核病控制信息她承认,“至今尚未取得明显进展。”

    She said that health ministers in the region have started to talk about ways to share information in TB control, but acknowledged, "we have not made much advancement so far."


  • 个例子,就在去年,卫生部长抗击艾滋病有效的方式可能喝柠檬甜菜根,大蒜非洲土豆

    The health minister, for example, suggested as recently as last year that eating beetroot, garlic, lemon juice or the African potato might be the best way to combat the disease.


  • 今年4月来自大陆卫生部长非洲联盟领导举行会议通过第一项协调非洲全区域卫生战略。

    In April of this year, ministers of health from this continent, meeting under the leadership of the African Union, adopted the first harmonized region-wide health strategy for Africa.


  • 美国卫生部长迈克尔·利维宣布了一项计划允许互相对方食品药物医疗器械生产厂商进行安全检查

    Michael Leavitt, America's health secretary, unveiled a plan to allow both countries to make surprise safety inspections of each other's factories producing food, medical devices and drugs.


  • 周一晚上普京出现电视上,严令卫生部长所有袭击受害者提供援助,并表示有必要逐一拜访伤员。

    Mr.Putin also appeared on television on Monday night, gravely ordering the health minister to provide aid to all the bombing victims, visiting clinics one by one, if necessary, he said.


  • 今年早些时候卫生部长托尼·克莱门特就愤怒告诫省级同僚们不要尸位素餐,尽快作出关于等候时长的承诺

    Earlier this year Tony Clement, the health minister, angrily told his provincial counterparts to "get off the pot" and produce a waiting-times guarantee.


  • 卫生部长里达·赛伊德当局正在努力公众解释吸烟健康危害以及吸烟对环境经济社会恶劣影响。”

    Health Minister Rida Saeed said authorities were working on campaigns that explain to the public "the health hazards of smoking and the environmental, economic and social vices of smoking."


  • 昨天卫生部长名副部长世卫组织驻安哥拉办事处负责人陪同下飞往调查事态寻找解决办法和监督实施

    Yesterday, the minister of Health, accompanied by a vice-minister and the head of the WHO office in Angola, flew to Uige to investigate the situation, find solutions, and oversee their implementation.


  • 卫生部长迪丝•斯希普斯信件写道:“因为希望自主选择结束生命主要老年人制度仅限于老年群体。”

    Edith Schippers, the health minister, wrote in the letter that "because the wish for a self-chosen end of life primarily occurs in the elderly, the new system will be limited to" them.


  • 尽管卫生部长坚信医生口中说出“胖子次能让这种身材的有所觉悟,不过其实个人对于这个有点无动于衷

    But, despite the health minister's belief that hearing the word fat from doctors would be a wake-up call to folks my size, I'm personally not fazed by the F-word at all.


  • 2008年9月4日 |雅温得 --非洲脑膜炎地带国家卫生部长今天承诺引进一种大有希望的脑膜炎候选疫苗

    September 2008 | YAOUNDE -- Health ministers from countries of the African meningitis belt today committed themselves to introduce a highly promising candidate meningitis vaccine.


  • 美国参议员卫生部长提名人选汤姆·达施勒(Tom Daschle)Google历次失误不幸受害人。

    The Tom Daschle Miscommunication. Perhaps one of the most unfortunate incidents concerns the man nominate to be Health SecretarySenator Tom Daschle.


  • 冯富珍女士对各国卫生部长表示希望各国可以制定时效性的正确决策这些国家患此病人数占患病总数80%以上

    "I urge you to make the right policy decisions with appropriate urgency," Chan told health ministers representing countries with more than 80% of the cases.


  • 卫生部长安迪·纳姆流感热线一同前进人们就是通过回答流感热线没有医疗培训电话中心员工问题获得达菲。

    Health secretary Andy Burnham went ahead with the flu hotline, which lets people get Tamiflu by answering questions from call centre staff who have no medical training.


  • 随后公共卫生部长也接着建议大家6月9月雨季穿厚一点衣服比如牛仔裤”,因为雨季蚊子数量更多

    The Public Health Minister then went on to suggest that folks wear "thick clothing like jeans" during the raining season between June and September when the number of mosquitoes are much greater.


  • 姆贝基先生长久以来拒绝辞退无能卫生部长,现在反倒把工作得力部长辞退了,理由是这位副部长不跟着集体意志走。

    Mr Mbeki, who has long resisted calls to get rid of the ineffectual minister, has instead removed her effective deputy for, apparently, failing to respect the government's collective will.


  • 姆贝基先生长久以来拒绝辞退无能卫生部长,现在反倒把工作得力部长辞退了,理由是这位副部长不跟着集体意志走。

    Mr Mbeki, who has long resisted calls to get rid of the ineffectual minister, has instead removed her effective deputy for, apparently, failing to respect the government's collective will.


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