• 发动机拆开又再仔细好。

    She took the engine to bits, then carefully put it together again.


  • 活动部件摩擦使发动机过热

    Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat.


  • 90%发动机出口欧洲

    90% of the engines are exported to Europe.


  • 船上发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。

    The ship's engines throbbed quietly.


  • 发动机出故障飞机离地面

    How high was the plane when the engine failed?


  • 定期维修可保持发动机顺畅运转

    Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine.


  • 汽车发动机中的燃料火花点燃

    A spark ignites the fuel in a car engine.


  • 他们把车停到路边关掉发动机

    They pulled over and shut off the engine.


  • 没有润滑油发动机不能运转

    Engines won't run without lubricants.


  • 关掉发动机抓住系船的绳索。

    He cut the engine and grabbed the mooring lines.


  • 这个发动机转速噪音非常大。

    The engine is very noisy at high speed.


  • 出租车司机发动机发动起来。

    The taxi driver revved up his engine.


  • 发动机颤动使得孩子睡着了

    The vibration of the engine lulled the children to sleep.


  • 阿诺德关闭发动机然后

    Arnold stopped the engine and got out of the car.


  • 发动机用来矿井中抽水

    The engine is used for pumping water out of the mine.


  • 架飞机喷气发动机驱动

    The aircraft is powered by a jet engine.


  • 我们必须发动机机油全部放掉。

    We had to drain the oil out of the engine.


  • 撞车事故原因认定发动机故障

    The cause of the crash was given as engine failure.


  • 汽车一个发动机

    My car had to have a new engine.


  • 发动机冷却之后再汽车放回原处。

    Avoid putting your car away until the engine has cooled down.


  • 汽车发动机出了故障我们只好停车

    The car developed engine trouble and we had to stop.


  • 操作一会儿发动机好吗?

    Could you run the engine for a moment?


  • 发动机发出一种怪的声音

    The engine's making a very funny noise.


  • 发动机拆开修理

    I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.


  • 发动机现在运转完全正常。

    The engine is now in perfect working order.


  • 不论转速如何发动机都可以立即加速

    The engine delivers instant acceleration whatever the revs.


  • 发动机启动了,加大油门冲下山坡

    The engine started, revved, and the car jerked away down the hill.


  • 发动机方面天才

    He's a natural with any kind of engine.


  • 发动机彻底检修过了

    The engine has been completely overhauled.


  • 发动机托架上松开了。

    The engine came loose from its mountings.


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