• 最后讨论了本区高压变质成因演化

    At last, evolution of high pressure metamorphic belt is discussed.


  • 变质分布后期侵入辉绿岩分布关系密切

    The zone of coal metamorphism is evident and related to the distribution of diabase which intrusion after main coal formation.


  • 大别山超高压变质变质花岗岩辉岩密切伴生。

    As the important member in Dabie ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt, meta-granitoids are often associated with coesite-bearing eclogites.


  • 大别山-超高压变质中的变质花岗岩碱性花岗岩。

    The metagranitoid found in the high ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt ( HP UHPMB ) in the Dabie Mountains is alkali meta granite.


  • 胶南隆起含榴辉岩高压变质为大别超高压延部分。

    The eclogite bearing high pressure metamorphic belt in the Jiaonan uplift is the eastward extension of the Dabie ultra high pressure belt.


  • 强调指出进一步研究低级变质作用极低级变质的必要性。

    It is argued that further research on the very-low-grade metamorphism and metamorphic belts would be worthwhile.


  • 哀牢山金沙江构造糜棱花岗岩位于哀牢山变质中部。

    Mylonitized granite in the AilaoshanJinshajiang tectonic zone is hosted in the center of the Ailaoshan high grade metamorphic belt.


  • 接触变质进一步划分为岩混杂天然焦化正常

    The contact metamorphic zone may be further divided into coking coal mixing zone, natural coke zone, coking coal zone and normal coal zone.


  • 桐柏山高压变质秦岭造大别—苏鲁超高压高压变质带间的构造

    The Tongbai high-pressure metamorphic belt serves as a structure linking the Eastern Qinling orogen with the Dabie-Sulu UHP and HP metamorphic belts.


  • 高压变质带确立解决华北-扬子板块边界地球动力学演化问题具有重要意义。

    The establishment of the paired high-pressure belts is of major significance for solving the problem of the geodynamic evolution of the boundary of the North China and Yangtze plates.


  • 空间分布上,超高压变质带集中欧亚大陆及其周缘,澳洲北美目前尚未报道。

    According to present data UHPM rocks are spatially concentrated within Eurasia and at its margins. However, there is still lack of information for North America and Australia.


  • 花岗片麻岩苏鲁超高压变质分布最为广泛岩石单元,其岩石形成于新元古代

    Granitic gneiss is the most extensive geologic unit in the Sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt and the age of protoliths of granitic gneiss is Neoproterozoic era.


  • 该类捕虏体发现认识大别—苏鲁超高压变质深部俯冲方向及其范围具有重要意义。

    The discovery of the xenolith is of important implication for us to recognize the deep subduction direction and the scale of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt.


  • 中国太古宙地体基本上分布华北范围内,主要为花岗岩绿岩少部分为高级变质

    China's Archeozoic Terrane, mainly a granite-greenstone belt, a small part of which been metamorphosed at a high grade, is basically located in North China Platform distributive area.


  • 闽东南沿海中生代变质内出露的I型花岗岩、细晶岩晶岩中常包含岩浆成因石榴子石和原生白云母

    I-type granites, aplites and pegmatites outcropping in Mesozoic metamorphic belt of the southeastern coast of Fujian Province contain commonly magmatic garnets and primary muscovites.


  • 本文采用变质作用和叠加变质作用分析方法大别山东段建立了高压低温变质带和与之对应高温低压变质带

    The features of paired metamorphic belts in the east region of Dabie Mountains have been briefly discussed in this paper.


  • 大陆科学钻探温度测量今后进一步研究超高压变质深部地热及其地球动力学含义提供了可靠基础数据

    Temperature measurements and its long-period observation will provide reliable basic data for geothermal and geodynamical study of the ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt.


  • 巴罗中压变质型低压高温变质带成因与大陆板块边缘碰撞造山造山作用之间有着紧密的联系

    The origins of barrovian type and buchan type of metamorphism are commonly associated with orogenesis at continental collisional margins or within plates.


  • 假使收集很多录像15年后它们开始变质

    So if he collects a lot of tapes, after fifteen years they will all start to rot.


  • 利用阴极发光激光拉曼研究了大别山俯冲超高压基性和长英质变质岩中的锆石

    Zircons from ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic metabasite and metafelsic rock in Dabie orogen were investigated by cathodoluminescence and Laser Raman spectrometry.


  • 长汀变质局部地段可能存在紧闭褶皱外,构造宽缓褶皱变形为主。

    The deformation of the Changting low-grade metamorphic rock series occurs mainly as kink structures and open fold except as tight folds possible in local segments.


  • 鲁西泰山岩群柳杭岩中,典型变质玄武岩出露济南章丘团员西

    Typical metamorphic pillow basalt is widely distributed in the Liuhang "Formation" of the Taishan "Group", west of Tuanyuangou village, Zhangqiu, western Shandong Province.


  • 上述特点我国东部地区产于太古变质岩(绿岩)中的金矿床具有可对比性,也矿床成因研究认识相吻合。

    The characteristics of the gold mineral are similar to those deposits in the metamorphic rocks of Archean greenstone belt in the eastern China.


  • 兴隆金矿区韧性剪切兴隆沟断裂影响,韧性剪切变质变形控制着本区金矿(化)空间分布

    Influenced by deep fracture, the ductile shear metamorphism and deformation of Xinglonggou ductile shear belt control the space distribution of gold ore body in this mining area.


  • 韧性剪切变形变质作用及演化阶段是确定金矿化能否形成重要因素

    The evolution and deformation and metamorphism of ductile shear zone takes an important role in the formation of gold mineralization.


  • 大别变质地块内部识别出大型剪切它们在该区构造格架形成过程重要作用

    Two sets of major shear belts are recognized, which played a very important role in the development of the tectonic framework of the Dabie metamorphic massif.


  • 俯冲变质脱水作用俯冲流体形成、岩浆起源演化重要的控制作用。

    Metamorphic dehydration in subduction zones plays a significant role in the genesis of slab-derived fluids and the generation and evolution of arc magmas.


  • 喜马拉雅变质-花岗岩喜马拉雅结晶相比变质作用到岩浆活动很大的相似性

    Compared the metamorphism and magmatic activity with the high Himalayan crystalline rocks, the north Himalayan metamorphic-granite belt bears strong similarities with the high Himalayan belt.


  • 该法对缺少标准应变标志古老变质区的有限应变研究以及发育成岩中的剪切有限应变研究,都是一种有效的工具。

    For the old metamorphic area and the shear belt developed in the abyssal rocks which lack standard strain marks, this method is effective in the study of finite strain.


  • 按照变质特征矿区西划分为角岩岩化角岩化

    According to the characteristics of metamorphism, the mining area can be classified, from the east to west, into hornfelsic, strongly hornfelsic and medium weak hornfelsic zones.


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