• 阿拉伯半岛妇女合唱队战场上嚎叫。

    In Ancient Arabia, a chorus of women would ululate on the battlefield.


  • 这些兵器是用青铜铸成

    These ancient weapons are all cast out of bronze.


  • 大熊猫一种残存动物

    The giant panda is one of the surviving ancient animals.


  • 这样探险可以追溯到苏美尔时期,已知最早中东文明

    One can trace such expeditions back to ancient Sumeria, the earliest known Middle Eastern civilization.


  • 哥特语中,表示tachund”,用来表示数字100的是 “tachund tachund”。

    The ancient Gothic word for ten, tachund, is used to express the number 100 as tachund tachund.


  • 峡谷北行道封了。

    Laguna Canyon Road was blocked off again northbound.


  • 雷姆森大街蒙塔大街平行的。

    Remsen Street is parallel with Montague Street.


  • 有些通过他们的作品流芳。

    Some people want to achieve immortality through their works.


  • 位千流芳好莱坞名人。

    She is one of the Hollywood immortals.


  • 德曾是个相当孤僻

    Gould was an intensely private individual.


  • 德温试图推翻法院裁决

    Goodwin tried to have the court ruling overturned.


  • 提高了太太原有的好评

    That improved Mrs. Goole's already favourable opinion of him.


  • 我们至今代代艺术家中的代。

    We were part of a long line of artists.


  • 着个的大手提袋

    She was carrying a Gucci tote bag.


  • 慈善筹集款项

    Gooch will be raising money for charity.


  • 拉拿治疗链球菌性咽喉炎的处方药

    Nicola got her prescription for strep.


  • 先生要求”制迈出一步

    Mr. Gould called for a move toward "one man one vote."


  • 失足即成千

    That one mistake was his undoing.


  • 我们欧洲未剪辑卡里”。

    We saw the uncut version of "Caligula" when we were in Europe.


  • 温一家购物那条大街一个模型街景

    There's a mock-up of the main street where the Goodwins go shopping.


  • 漫过了河堤淹没了蒙特特75%地区。

    Water poured over a levee and flooded about 75 percent of Montegut.


  • 瓦雷泽·里亚座位于热那亚东部山区小镇

    Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.


  • 政府成立一个委员会,由罗伊·教授担任主席

    The government has set up a committee under the chairmanship of Professor Roy Goode.


  • 里亚那些海滨城市坐落陡峭山脉狭长地带。

    The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.


  • 德先生结束演讲观众起立为鼓掌大声欢呼

    Mr. Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech.


  • 玫瑰花瓣提炼制造玫瑰水几乎可以肯定起源于波斯

    The distillation of rose petals to produce rosewater almost certainly originated in Ancient Persia.


  • 1967年,约翰逊任命德·马歇尔最高法院法官。

    In 1967 Johnson nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court.


  • 拥有本季抢手普拉达鱼嘴高跟鞋露跟女鞋时尚的。

    Having this season's hot Prada pumps or Gucci slingbacks is de rigueur.


  • 这次大胆改编完美地把握住库尔特·部广为称赞的小说的精髓。

    This ambitious adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut's acclaimed novel.


  • 贝尔先生彼得斯先生好莱坞并不普遍受人爱戴他们有着良好的社会关系。

    Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters aren't universally loved in Hollywood but they are well-connected.


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