• 而且他们一种柠檬酸可溶性,他们本可以可以用

    And they wanted to use a soluble salt of citric acid, so they could have used sodium, they could have used potassium.


  • 此外,还考察了擦洗对富集影响,结果表明擦洗可以有效去除柱硼镁石矿中的可溶性盐,改善了浮选效果。

    The XRD characterization and chemical analysis of boron concentrates and tailings showed that pinnoite and calcined gypsum has been basically separated through reverse flotation.


  • 重离子辐照高分子有机膜,经过适当的处理,可以作为模板制备金属可溶性纳米线,此方法称为离子径模板

    The polymer foils irradiated by heavy ions can be used as templates to prepare metallic nanowires and some inorganic salt nanowires. It is called "ion-track template method".


  • 此外某些水质因子影响TMV活效率,其中可溶性盐存在及其含量对TMV的灭活会因所处的环境不同而异;

    The higher temperature of the water body, the faster the inactivation rate of TMV. Besides the environmental temperature, some water quality factors also influence the inactivation rate of TMV.


  • 结论天然雄黄导致小鼠损伤,酸化精制后对肝脏毒性显著降低,雄黄毒性成分可能可溶性

    CONCLUSION: Crude realgar could induce significant liver oxidative injury, which could be reduced by purified realgar. Soluble arsenic salt may be major toxic ingredient.


  • 基于可溶性固形物折射原理折光计法测定酱油可溶性固形物含量,取得了与重量法基本一致的结果。

    On the basis of the refraction principle of soluble solid, the content of the soluble saltless solid in soy sauce was determined by refractometry.


  • 在电镀溶液中使用连二硫酸连二硫酸金属作为可溶性金属离子电解质来源具有潜在的应用

    Dithionic acid and metal dithionate salts are potentially useful sources of soluble metal ions and electrolytes for electroplating solutions.


  • 化工操作药剂师综合药物各种各样提供可溶性范围非常水不溶性的。

    By chemical manipulation, the pharmacist can synthesize various salts of the drug, providing a range of solubility from very water-insoluble.


  • 方法纯水提取除臭剂等化妆品可溶性,再火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定含量

    Methods The contents of dissolvable zinc salt in deodorants extracted by pure water were detected by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry.


  • 该文研究了腐乳生产过程中,采用不同包装材料游离氨基酸态氮、总酸、游离脂肪酸可溶性固形物含量影响

    This article discusses effects of different package materials on free amino acids nitrogen, salt, free fatty acids, and soluble solid content without salt during the sufu production.


  • 引发处理还能提高胁迫幼苗可溶性果糖蔗糖含量水稻幼苗指数和耐比率

    Priming increased the content of total soluble sugars, fructose and sucrose in stressed seedlings and the tolerance index and tolerance ratio of hybrid rice seedlings.


  • 研究了可溶性金属改性水玻璃比较改性原理技术要点,确定改性的工艺条件。

    The soluble salt modified sodium silicate has been studied. It compares the principles and technology of Ca and Al salts modification and identifies the Al salt modification technical process.


  • 试验结果表明氯化钠硝酸钠部分可溶性化合物可以中洗

    The results show that soluble compounds such as sodium chloride, sodium nitrate and a part of chromium salts can be washed out from the sludge.


  • 研究了采用可溶性乳酸络合,次磷酸还原剂失效化学镀溶液再生

    The method using soluble calcium salt for regeneration of waste electroless nickel plating liquor, in which the lactic acid used as complexing agent and hypophosphite used as redcing agent is studied.


  • 通过浊度分析表明:糊化活化淀粉酸性性,可溶性淀粉好。

    The nephelometer analysis indicates the property of resistance to acid and salt of gelled-activated starch is better than that of solubility starch.


  • 朱砂炮制方法不同可溶性含量不同,球磨法高,水飞法低。

    And it also shows that the ways of processing cinnabar are different, thus, the content of the dissoluble mercury salt are different.


  • 大量可溶性无机会加剧周边土壤碱化

    A great quantity of soluble inorganic salt can force the surrounding soil seriously become salinization and alkalinization.


  • MDA含量可以作为不同南瓜品种性的鉴定指标根系活力可溶性脯氨酸叶绿素含量不宜作为性鉴定指标。

    It was proposed that salt injury index, electrolytic leakage and MDA content could be suitable for selecting salt-tolerant pumpkin variety except root activity, soluble sugar, pro and Chl. content.


  • MDA含量可以作为不同南瓜品种性的鉴定指标根系活力可溶性脯氨酸叶绿素含量不宜作为性鉴定指标。

    It was proposed that salt injury index, electrolytic leakage and MDA content could be suitable for selecting salt-tolerant pumpkin variety except root activity, soluble sugar, pro and Chl. content.


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