• 学校采用各种各样测试方法

    Schools use various methods of testing.


  • 帐篷各种各样形状大小

    Tents come in various shapes and sizes.


  • 各种各样挫折问题延误了生产

    Various setbacks and problems delayed production.


  • 家里各种各样活儿

    I've got various jobs around the house to do.


  • 这些日子可买到各种各样蘑菇

    There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.


  • 方法广泛适用于解决各种各样问题

    The new approach had wide applicability to all sorts of different problems.


  • 尝试过各种各样工作最后当上了会计

    He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.


  • 我们驱车前行时,指给我们看各种各样地标

    He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along.


  • 尽管有过各种各样男朋友马德琳过去现在一直都非常自立

    Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.


  • 这家酒店提供各种各样设施

    The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.


  • 收养可能因为各种各样原因失败

    Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.


  • 各种各样清洗液去污粉供应。

    A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.


  • 瓷砖各种各样颜色图案

    The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.


  • 袋鼠身上有各种各样寄生虫

    Kangaroos harbour a vast range of parasites.


  • 一系列各种各样颜色图案

    A wide range of colours and patterns are available.


  • 水彩设计装饰各种各样书籍

    His watercolour designs adorn a wide range of books.


  • 医生都备有各种各样药物

    Doctors have an armoury of drugs available.


  • 我们备有各种各样香水

    We stock a wide range of perfumes.


  • 他们出售各种各样东西

    They sell all kinds of things.


  • 他们的建议附带各种各样限制条件

    Their offer was hedged around with all sorts of conditions.


  • 客人健身中心享受各种各样美容服务。

    Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty treatments.


  • 毒品可以做出各种各样奇怪事情来

    Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things.


  • 我们备有各种各样贺卡礼品包装材料

    We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap.


  • 拉里安迪四处漂泊各种各样的活。

    Larry and Andy had drifted from place to place, working at this and that.


  • 自从7自己谋生各种各样工作

    I've earned my own living since I was seven, doing all kinds of jobs.


  • 教师负责在课堂提供各种各样信息资源。

    It's up to the teacher to provide a variety of types of input in the classroom.


  • 试过各种各样药物药膏药片药水

    I've tried all sorts of drugs, creams, pills and potions.


  • 各种各样动物包括袋鼠企鹅

    There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins.


  • 习惯于工作遇到各种各样打交道

    She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.


  • 是个多才多艺演员扮演各种各样角色

    He's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.


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