Based on the available literature, Sprague and colleagues estimated that reduced use of HRT accounted for 42 percent of the decline in breast cancer incidence.
P. Suadicani and colleagues at Bispebjerg University Hospital assessed the long-term outcomes of 3346 men enrolled in the Copenhagen Male Study.
Zack and his colleagues combined survey results from the two periods to assess geographic patterns in perceived mental distress.
When Keller and his colleagues asked 500 people to rate a panel of 66 odors for intensity and pleasantness, they gave the full range of responses—from weak to intense and from pleasant to unpleasant.
He and his colleagues evaluated a new method for rapidly and accurately detecting animals at risk of infection.
In fact, he and fellow researchers from the Arctic Council are doing some sums at the moment; they will complete their assessment of global warming's impact on shipping next year.
Disaster management colleagues rushed to Sichuan and Gansu to do assessments, source supplies, and run relief projects.
Dr Jhala and colleagues assessed their method by collecting paw prints and faeces at 21 forest sites in central and northern India.
With a rise comes a re-evaluation of status and you soon begin to start comparing your levels of pay to colleague's again.
Moving forward, Dr. Boye and her colleagues will evaluate the treatment in additional small and large animal models to further confirm the treatment's safety and efficacy.
Because the ultrasounds were originally taken to assess gallbladder health, Lazo and colleagues from Johns Hopkins looked at each recording to determine the presence of fat in each person's liver.
Butler and colleagues at Colorado State University, the National University of Singapore and the University of Minnesota assessed the participant's diet at baseline.
My colleagues around the globe had agreed with the assessment that there would be a near-miss event, but that there was almost no chance the asteroid would collide with Earth.
We seek out evidence of past performance rather than evaluate a business colleague through social courtesies.
Sueoka and her colleagues focused on 697 men, average age 72, who were seen at six different U. S. centers from 2000 to 2005 while participating in a study to evaluate fracture risk in older men.
First is the Catering Sales associate, the client, then the classmate. At last will be the trainer.
Dr Polivy and her colleagues recruited 106 female undergraduates on the pretext of rating a new brand of cookie.
This case highlights the need for clinicians to maintain a high index of suspicion when evaluating recently vaccinated patients and their family members with vesiculopustular rash.
You've probably heard it said that one's attitude affects one's health. Over three-hundred subjects were assessed in terms of their emotions for a two- week period.
She urges, "Develop close friendships with coworkers over a period of time, assessing how much you can trust them before you disclose too much personal information."
During the 8-year follow-up study, Dr. Choi and colleagues assessed the development of neurodegenerative disease in patients with RBD at baseline.
Baptist and team developed the Pediatric Dyspnea Scale (PDS), which asks children how much trouble they have breathing.