It is a testament to America's assimilating capacity that the first two can be made fairly successfully with ingredients available at any major supermarket.
试验表明该系统有较强的同化能力,能够提高MM 5降水预报的准确性。
The results show that this system has powerful assimilation capacity and is able to improve the accuracy of MM5 model rainfall forecast.
Assimilators have this nasty ability to remain invisible when still, which greatly improves this tactic.
Conclusion Lactobacillus acidophilus had the ability to assimilate cholesterol.
Using the cultivar with stronger ability of absorbing, assimilating and translocation nitrogen can not only improve kernel yield, but kernel protein content.
该菌株耐盐和耐胆酸盐能力分别达到6 0%和1.5%,同化胆固醇达80%,证明是一株性能优良的益生菌株。
The ability of salt-tolerance, bile-tolerance and rate of assimilating cholesterol were 6. 0%, 1. 5%, about 80% respectively, which proved the strain was good.
I think they have the ability to assimilate and adapt well to different environments.
The research aimed to discuss the biological characteristics of Pleurotus cornucopiae P12 and its assimilation capacity to carbon sources, nitrogen sources, inorganic salts and so on.
When building the primary root system, capability of getting assimilation and elongation pattern of each root are similitude.
Designers have the mental ability from the depths of the soul. Zen in the heart as known as the "content I assimilation". As Jin Shengtan says, "people see flowers, flowers look."
So the actual background error covariance is the key to success of data assimilation technique.
The invention opened a new Lactobacillus which can resist the cholate, the gastric acid and assimilate the cholesterol.
Therefore, the abilities of kernel storage, assimilation production supply and substance synthesization may be the importance reasons of the differences of kernel development in different position.
However, assimilation of limonite is better and the capability of creating calcium ferrite is higher by 20% than other ores. The reducibility of limonite is better.
After weaning, homeothermic ability rapidly developed and juvenile vole allocated 8% of the assimilated energy to their growth, 92 % to their maintenance;
The Mantis Screamers of the desolate Dinares Sector were assimilated into the Swarm as the Mutalisks due to their ability for atmospheric and deep space travel.
The Mantis Screamers of the desolate Dinares Sector were assimilated into the Swarm as the Mutalisks due to their ability for atmospheric and deep space travel.