He realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need.
Indeed, she seems to have lived and breathed teaching and education for much of her life.
Just let you leave without a trace when I stand here taking every breath with you?
Obese surgical patients were far less likely to die of a couple of specific respiratory problems than were non-obese patients with the same complications.
Let your awareness remain primarily with the sensations of the chakras, rather than with the breathing or the body movement.
It is found that the waveforms in time domain and in transform domain of different respiratory sound signals are different.
I'm very happy for the positive moment that the team is going through: for the standings and for the enthusiasm we are breathing inside the group.
For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.
And, perhaps as importantly, you also can never devote your undivided attention to the biped mammals who are breathing air in the room with you.
When you sit down to watch your show, you dive into its world, and you live it and breathe it for a half hour or an hour.
Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural.
The CPC can only be stable when it dedicates its soul and mind to the people, and relies on the people to push forward historical advancement.
The final result was to show the necessity of CT simulation three phase contrast scan in liver cancer radiotherapy and the necessity of limited abdominal breathing.
It's true that there are some things that money cannot buy like fresh air, love, a sense of community, and fulfillment.
Thee well-known Swiss poet and Nobel laureate Carl Spitteler once said that there is no greater happiness than having friends who share the same outlook and destiny with oneself.
Completely absorbed in his art, often working at night to avoid interruption, Picasso created as naturally as he breathed.
Methods 33 patients with bronchiectasis were diagnosed by clinical data and HRCT scan, and scanned using spiral ct at end inspiration and expiration in continuous volume scan mode.
And in-between paddling hard to keep up with it I also sat patiently, quietly, many times, waiting for it to resurface again for the air that we both Shared.
And in-between paddling hard to keep up with it I also sat patiently, quietly, many times, waiting for it to resurface again for the air that we both Shared.