"He was designing with his camera," Squiers says, "and after starting out as a [soft-focus] pictorialist, he brought sharp focus to bear and had a tremendous effect on the field."
That makes for more vibrant photos, but most importantly, it allows users to change the focus within an image after it's been taken.
The radius and position of waist spot of CO2 laser beam focused by a single Ge lens were measured experimentally, and the focal length of the Ge lens was determined. The result is in agreement w...
Once mounted, the closer focusing range is attained by turning the lens to it's closest normal focusing point.
Then, image surface position was kept steady during a zooming process by controlling the spherical aberration of front fixed group and the focal length of back fixed group.
When focused near it's closest regular focusing distance, the lens will be difficult to mount OR unmount.
When focused near it's closest regular focusing distance, the lens will be difficult to mount OR unmount.