• 西北那条最近

    Take the northwest road; it is the shortest way.


  • 那条铁路线平行的通西北

    Take the narrow lane going northwest parallel with the railway line.


  • 往日里太平洋鲑鱼西北大规模迁徙已经减少涓涓细流。非法伐木正在威胁着帝王墨西哥栖地。

    The great salmon runs of the Pacific Northwest have been reduced to a trickle... Monarch butterflies are threatened by illegal logging of the Mexican forests where they winter.


  • 板块缓慢西北移动时,新的火山随着板块的移动,在火山源处形成

    As the plate moved slowly northwest, new volcanic islands would have formed as the plate moved over the volcanic source.


  • 威尔逊认为,夏威夷西北延伸火山只是一个长期存板块下、地幔中的火山在板块表面表现

    Wilson suggested that the long chain of volcanoes stretching northwest from Hawaii is simply the surface expression of a long-lived volcanic source located beneath the tectonic plate in the mantle.


  • PMD认为气候变化导致这次季风性降雨向西北偏移原因。

    PMD believes that climate change is to blame for this northwesterly migration of the monsoons.


  • 始于多伦多湖畔沿11公路西北蜿蜒到达明尼苏达州边境安大略

    It starts on the Toronto lakeshore and winds its way northwesterly along Highway 11 to Rainy River, Ontario, at the Minnesota border.


  • 比较构造索尔顿海,它是从加利福尼亚延伸出洼地穿过现代科罗拉多三角洲向西北进入加利福尼亚,直达索尔顿海。

    The larger structure is the Salton Trough, a depression that stretches from the Gulf of California, through the modern Colorado River Delta, and northwestward into California as far as the Salton Sea.


  • 得克萨斯西北穿越大平原以及洛基山脉这一狭长地带的经济形势尤其理想感谢飞涨出口额以及高昂物价

    A belt running from Texas north-west across the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains has been doing particularly well, thanks to soaring exports and high commodity prices.


  • 俄斐峡谷一个62英里100公里的,朝向西北偏西低谷

    Ophir Chasma is a large west-northwest-trending trough about 62 miles, or 100 km, wide.


  • 总的来说阿莱克斯已经略微西北早先预报相一致

    Overall, Alex has shifted slightly toward the northwest, consistent with earlier forecasts.


  • 根据美国地质勘探局(usgs)的数据,相对于北美版块,此次地震发生地的太平洋板块西北移动大约每年北(atthe latitude)移动45毫米

    According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Pacific plate moves northwest with respect to the north America plate at about 45 millimeters per year at the latitude where the quake occurred.


  • 暴风28公里小时时速向西北移动。

    The storm was moving northwest at 17 miles (28 km) per hour.


  • 最近次进行的调查在2001年5月,这次调查确定最新磁极位置并且确定磁极大致正在每年40公里的速度向西北移动。

    The most recent survey, completed in May, 2001, determined an updated position for the Pole and established that it is moving approximately northwest at 40 km per year.


  • 今年这个时候而言,西北仅仅发生时间里。

    It was way too far to the NW for this time of year and it happened in only a day's time.


  • 尤其是一个角度太平洋板块日本以至于随着太平洋板块西北推入日本下方,土地东南移动

    Particularly for Japan, which is riding over the Pacific Plate at an Angle, such that as the Pacific Plate pushes under Japan toward the northwest, the land will move to the southeast.


  • 不断西北移动的太平洋板块旧金山北美板块相遇

    At San Francisco the Pacific plate which is moving towards the northwest meets the north American plate.


  • 成因我国东南临海西北深入亚欧大陆内部使得我国水分循环东南沿海西北内陆逐渐减弱

    Causes: My southeast sea, the Northwest and Europe to the internal depth, make our water cycle from the southeastern coastal areas to inland Northwest has gradually weakened.


  • 到达北门时,西西北风景区那里很多有趣地方如下所述。

    When you nearly reach the north Gate, turn west to the north-west scenic area where there are many places of interest, as described below.


  • 达于25突然西北移动或许是前一天偏西路径作出调节

    SONGDA made a sharp NW turn on May 25, perhaps compensating the overly westward track during the previous day.


  • 英格兰西北河流流程约为3公里(70英里),大致西流,利物浦注入爱尔兰较大河口适于远洋船只航行。

    A river of northwest England flowing about 3 km (70 mi) generally westward to the Irish Sea at Liverpool. Its large estuary is navigable for oceangoing vessels.


  • 西面百叶窗西南调节夏天清风同时阻挡冬季西北

    On the west side, canvas louvers are oriented toward the southwest to admit the summer breezes that emanate from that direction, while blocking the winter winds from the northwest.


  • 西北34公里三亚凤凰国际机场是1997年71投入使用的。

    To the northwest 34 kilometers, there is Sanya Phoenix International Airport, which started operation on July 1, 1997.


  • 预计台风将以小时20至25公里的速度西北移动

    The typhoon is expected to move northwest at 20-25 km per hour.


  • 大熊加拿大西北地区湖,位于西北大陆上。大熊流程113公里(70公里),西流入更些河。

    A lake of northwest mainland northwest Territories, Canada. The Great Bear River, about 113 km (70 mi) long, flows westward from the lake to the Mackenzie River.


  • 发源于安哥拉中部河流流程9'5公里('00英里),大致西北注入大西洋

    A river rising in central Angola and flowing about 9 '5 km (' 00 mi) generally northwest to the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 加拿大西北地区,位于西北大陆上。大熊流程113公里(70公里),西流入更些河。

    A lake of northwest mainland northwest Territories, Canada. The Great Bear River, about 113 km (70 mi) long, flows westward from the lake to the Mackenzie River.


  • 美国科罗拉多西北河流402公里(250英里),然后西流入犹他州边界附近格林

    A river, about 402 km (250 mi) long, of northwest Colorado flowing north then west to the Green river near the Utah border.


  • 美国科罗拉多西北河流402公里(250英里),然后西流入犹他州边界附近格林

    A river, about 402 km (250 mi) long, of northwest Colorado flowing north then west to the Green river near the Utah border.


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