• 含糊地朝房子方向了挥手。

    She waved vaguely in the direction of the house.


  • 不能肯定,”莉兹含糊

    "I'm not sure," Liz said vaguely.


  • 这次全国民主大会含糊其词地结束了。

    The national conference on democracy ended ambiguously.


  • 指责故意含糊其辞

    He was accused of being deliberately vague.


  • 封信故意写得含糊其辞

    The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms.


  • 这项描述相当含糊的。

    The description was pretty vague.


  • 这次会谈许多内容显然含糊笼统的。

    A lot of the talk was apparently vague and general.


  • 拉亚提医生做出了一个含糊否定答复

    Dr. Velayati gave a vague but negative response.


  • 主席清楚而且含糊陈述美国立场

    The president said that she had stated the U.S. position very clearly and unambiguously.


  • 故意含糊其辞。

    I kept my statement intentionally vague.


  • 然而对于美国军队真正可能做什么含糊其辞

    He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do.


  • 作者都市生活态度含糊不清的。

    The author's attitude to his city life is ambiguous.


  • 主要区别澳大利亚习惯说话有点含糊而且突出元音发音

    The main difference is that Australians are used to speaking a little vaguely, and they emphasize vowel pronunciation.


  • 事实上含糊其辞中奖可能性要比获奖条件清晰明确的博彩有效

    In fact, vaguely-stated possibilities of winning a prize were more effective than options with hard odds included.


  • 动荡商业环境高级管理人员变得小心翼翼,以免含糊的声明玷污了他们的声誉

    A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.


  • 如果遗漏了关键思想含糊其辞地提及关键思想,或者它对重要信息拓展不够充分,那它不完整

    It is incomplete if it omits key ideas, makes vague reference to key ideas, or demonstrates limited development of important information.


  • 没有像往常一样含糊不清借口掩饰自己离职而是直截了当地表示,他离开为了追求自己经营一家公司的目标”。

    Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving "to pursue my goal of running a company".


  • 含糊糊地说:“对不起。”

    'Sorry,' she mumbled.


  • 多久含糊其辞

    I asked how long he was staying, but he fudged the answer.


  • 意欲含糊笼统地使用这些词汇

    I intend to use these terms in a deliberately nonspecific and all-embracing way.


  • 这个女孩含糊急促地说着难懂的话。

    The girl jabbered incomprehensibly.


  • 很多对此观点含糊其辞。

    Many were equivocal about the idea.


  • 行动伴随着串冗长含糊独白

    His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.


  • 法律此处有点含糊不清

    The law here is a little bit murky.


  • 一再单词而且说话含含糊的。

    He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech.


  • 这个问题上,毫不含糊地站一边

    I'm definitely on your side in this.


  • 正如第1所述,法律往往含糊的。

    Laws are often not clear, as we saw in Chapter 1.


  • 一次财务状况再次含糊其辞

    He had asked her once again about her finances. And again she had equivocated.


  • 重复着自己的话平常更加含糊不清地说着。

    He repeated himself and slurred his words more than usual.


  • 霍尔先生开发公司创造岗位数量含糊其词

    Mr. Hall is non-committal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.


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