This is a delicious vegetarian dish that even carnivores love.
Do not add MSG when cooking the dishes, it is bad for your health.
The same thing goes for carrots with dill sauce and other gourmet veggies.
A brother initiate who is a skilled chef demonstrates vegetarian cooking . vegetarian stuffed cabbage.
Songs for protecting the environment, testing delicious vegetarian food as well a pro-environment lecture named "root and bud" are the most important programs.
As a kind of important active substance, fagaramide is the main component that tastes numb.
Modern research shows that contains aloe vera leaves emodin, different aloe emodin and aloe vera bitter flavours, pharmacology experiments have lapactic, cancer-fighting properties.
The method was applied to the determination of aspartame in compound sweeteners and drinks, and the results obtained by integrated amparometry and UV detection show consistence.
国标GB2760-96《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》规定可用于食品加工的甜味剂包括甜蜜素、 安赛蜜、 甜味素、 异麦芽酮糖醇、 木糖醇、阿力甜等15种。
There are 15 kinds of sweet agents in food processing authorized in National Standard GB2760-96 Sanitary Standards of Using Food Additives.
This paper reviews briefly the recent progress in the development for natural products, including amino— acid, protein, enzyme, starch, fibre, sugar oii, natural color material, food, and drink ete.
Health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i. e., there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better.
Health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i. e., there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better.