• 诚心诚意地恳求吧。

    I beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to spare his life.


  • 行动迅速小孩

    Her quick action saved the child's life.


  • 采访

    He can't interview people to save his life.


  • 胡乱一枪就要无辜孩子

    An innocent child's life has been snuffed out by this senseless shooting.


  • 鲁莽差点要了他的

    His daring may have cost him his life.


  • 敏捷思考救了

    His quick thinking saved her life.


  • 为了医生们截去了他的双腿

    To save his life, doctors amputated his legs.


  • 转向左边一转救了马隆的

    He swung the car to the left and that swerve saved Malone's life.


  • 名女学童栋着火公寓一个男子

    A schoolgirl rushed into a burning apartment to save a man's life.


  • 社区心理健康小组救了

    The community mental health team saved my life.


  • “除了你的什么都行。”个回答

    "Anything but thy life," replied the other.


  • 有时它们救人

    Sometimes they save somebody's life.


  • It has saved her life.


  • You have saved my life.


  • 要是那种上。

    If you take risks like that you'll wind up dead.


  • 救了,使他免遭淹死。

    She saved him from drowning.


  • 尼赫鲁实行社会主义制度。

    Nehru ordained that socialism should rule.


  • 一个劲喝酒似乎都不要了。

    He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death.


  • 弗吉妮亚孩子名字

    He persuaded Virginia to name the baby after him.


  • 明白外科医生救我的

    I knew that I owed the surgeon my life.


  • 这次考试豁出去了。

    I slogged my guts out for the exam.


  • 如果赎金可能就要儿子

    If you pay the ransom, you may be signing your son's death warrant.


  • 即使豁出去我也使婚姻成功

    I'll make this marriage work if it kills me.


  • 反对派政客们一直怒气冲冲地要

    Opposition politicians have been baying for his blood.


  • 0.25英寸厚的防弹背心

    His life was saved by a quarter-inch-thick bullet-proof vest.


  • 朋友知道自己活着侥幸

    His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive.


  • 非要病呜呼时候医生才会来看你!

    You'd have to be practically on your deathbed before the doctor would come and see you!


  • 传染上了西班牙型流感几乎要了

    He contracted Spanish flu, which almost killed him.


  • 如果继续这样开车有一天会都丢掉。

    If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.


  • 总是不好

    She is always bemoaning her lot.


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