Verifies and fixes namespace information in the document, making it namespace well-formed.
新的命名空间<task:* />与<jdbc:* />已经集成到了STS中,就像Spring的其他命名空间一样,新的命名空间也具备内容辅助、链接和验证特性。
The new <task:* /> and <jdbc:* /> are both now available and are integrated into STS as the other Spring namespaces with content assist, hyperlinking and validation.
'Validation' does not exist in the namespace 'System. Data. Entity' when building on Team City.
Validates the attribute name, namespace URI, and value in the current element context.
The namespace includes classes that support forms, input controls, links, partial views, and validation.
Namespaces prevent element and attribute name collisions, and allows elements and attributes of the same name to be handled differently and validated differently.
Namespaces prevent element and attribute name collisions, and allows elements and attributes of the same name to be handled differently and validated differently.