• 由于缺乏基本信任和平谈判搁浅

    The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.


  • 这次攻击事件使和平谈判愈加紧迫

    The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.


  • 政府制订和平谈判时间表

    The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks.


  • 和平谈判目前进展得怎么样

    What is the current state of play in the peace talks?


  • 抗议者未能破坏和平谈判

    Protesters failed to sabotage the peace talks.


  • 高级官员相当公开地鄙视和平谈判

    Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks.


  • 引用波利先生的话说,和平谈判进行

    He quoted Mr. Polay as saying that peace negotiations were already underway.


  • 各派之间冲突和平谈判不是一个兆头。

    Conflicts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks.


  • 和平谈判濒于破裂

    The peace talks were on the verge of collapse.


  • 这些最新评论可能搅乱定于下周开始和平谈判

    These latest comments could upset the peace negotiations which are due to begin next week.


  • 参加和平谈判领导人之间有着一种务实气氛

    There was a new mood of realism among the leaders at the peace talks.


  • 国家电台广播节目中,政府宣布愿意恢复和平谈判

    In a broadcast on state radio the government announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.


  • 现在政治谋杀浪潮那些试图破坏和平谈判进程的所为。

    The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks.


  • 那个国家军事首脑关闭进一步和平谈判大门

    That country's military leaders have shut the door on any further peace talks.


  • 许多预料和平谈判破裂

    Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down.


  • 联合国3月底摩加迪沙促成了一和平谈判

    The United Nations brokered a peace in Mogadishu at the end of March.


  • 其他叛军领袖政府代表参加的和平谈判上周未能达成协议破裂不久之后恢复

    Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.


  • 和平谈判已经安排月末苏丹举行

    Peace talks are scheduled for the end of the month, in Sudan.


  • 以色列表示应该无条件恢复和平谈判

    Israel says peace talks should resume without preconditions.


  • 选举可能改变巴勒斯坦和平谈判方向

    The elections could lead to a change of direction for the Palestinian peace negotiations.


  • 一不幸事件可能会妨碍和平谈判进程

    This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.


  • 国际争端应该通过和平谈判解决

    International disputes should be solved through peaceful negotiations.


  • 和平谈判悬而未决就是加沙问题

    Hanging over the talks is the issue of Gaza.


  • 这么看来,想要尽早恢复和平谈判机会不大

    There seemed little chance of peace talks resuming soon. See article


  • 目前看来重新开展和平谈判仍需一时间。

    There seemed little chance of peace talks resuming soon.


  • 他们此刻探讨最主要的问题恢复和平谈判机会

    So what they have been discussing at the moment is mostly the chances of restarting those peace talks and topping Mr.


  • 我们一贯认为和平谈判解决中东问题唯一正确选择

    We always hold that peace talks are the only correct choice for the settlement of the Middle East question.


  • 我们不想国际社会强行我们举行和平谈判”。

    We didn’t want the international community to force peace negotiations on us.


  • 林肯第二次就职之前同意南方代表举行和平谈判

    Before Lincoln's second inaugural, he agreed to hold peace talks with representatives of the Confederacy.


  • 林肯第二次就职之前同意南方代表举行和平谈判

    Before Lincoln's second inaugural, he agreed to hold peace talks with representatives of the Confederacy.


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