Finally, the concentrations of key components were confirmed by central composite design and response surface methodology.
The model was significantly fit well and the optimum combination was obtained by response surface analysis and ridge analysis.
Through the response surface analysis, the best condensation technology was obtained by the analysis of concentration multiple.
The response surface method was used to optimize the culture medium for anti-fungus compound produced by Streptomyces 702 under unsterilized condition.
Response surface analysis showed that temperature, inoculum amount, the concentration of salt took significant interactive effects.
The optimum conditions of ultrasonic wave-assisted extraction technology for litchi polysaccharides were determined with the single factor and the RSA response surface method.
The conclusion is that the flash land height is the important influencing factor on the flash volume and filling is obtained by analyzing the response surface model.
The factors that affected extrusion swell of thermoplastic starch were optimized by response surface based on the single factor experiment.
The response surface methodology was used to study the influences of screw speed, barrel temperature, material moisture and enzyme mass fraction on DE values.
The optimum ratio of GE, PE, PC, Vc and CA was 30:60:20:1:2, and it was obtained by response surface methodology.
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to gain the optimal parameter of processing and to discuss how the parameters influenced the extraction rate of peptide.
The enzymatic hydrolysis in the process of long rice based fat substitute was studied and the optimal conditions of the enzymatic hydrolysis was obtained by using Response Surface Analysis.
The specific mechanical energy(SME)in high moisture extrusion of soy protein through Brabender DSE-25 twin extruder was studied by using the response surface analysis.
The response surface method was used to evaluate the effects of phosphates on the mussel sensory quality.
A new method aiming to incorporate the response surface method into the computation of system reliability for composite Bridges is proposed in this paper.
In this paper, we study the correlativity between depressive clinical symptoms and event related potentials by the methods of response surface and cluster analysis in SAS.
The construction of response surface models by the artificial neural network is analyzed.
Response surface method(RSM)is an efficient method to analyze the stability reliability degree for complicated structure, such as underground structure.
Progressive collapse method is used to calculate ship ultimate hull girder strength and the combination of surface response method and traditional method is utilized to analyse reliability.
A method to analyze reliability of gravity DAMS using the second order sequence response surface method is described.
By Studying the high frame rate self-scanning photodiode area array (SSPA) with parallel video output, the main factors which affect the frame rate and response of SSPA are analysed.
This paper analyzed certain geometrical nonlinearity on concrete self-anchored suspension bridge, then did analysis under random static force with Method of Response Surface.
Experimental dat are proceeded by using data processing software STAT51 and is analyzed clearly by the response surface method.
The optimum design points with RSM based on different samples are almost in the same area and there is little error compared with the CFD result.
Affected by higher Rayleigh wave modes in the surface wave field, the effective phase velocity obtained by spectral analysis of surface waves SASW.
Through the study we implement two types of CO formulations, one is the typical CO and the other is the based-surrogate model CO.
The disk structural reliability is calculated by use of Monte Carlo Simulation ( MCS ) techniques and Response Surface Method (RSM). The random variable sensitivity is also analyzed.
We analyze the experimental data using the response-surface method, and demonstrate the application of the response-surface method which is used to gain the ESCK.
In this paper, The response analysis of the structure composed of plates and shells at random pressure by MSC/NASTRAN has been completed , and compared with experimental results.
In this paper, The response analysis of the structure composed of plates and shells at random pressure by MSC/NASTRAN has been completed , and compared with experimental results.