• 回馈制动可以设置适当的占空利用电感升压作用,向直流侧回馈能量

    However, regenerative braking may return energy by setting proper duty ratio and boost inductance action.


  • 针对燃料电池供电伺服电机,研究一种用来释放多余回馈能量电压泵升电路

    For fuel cell is used as the DC power of inverter, a voltage pumping circuit for releasing nimiety regenerative energy was researched.


  • 控制系统采用的是电流型PWM控制方式能够实现品质功率能量回馈

    The control system adopts current PWM control mode, and high quality energy feedback with constant power could be accomplished.


  • 本文主要研究能量回馈系统

    Energy feedback system was researched in this paper.


  • 并以ADVISOR软件基础,构建了纯电动汽车仿真研究平台道路工况、整车加速性能爬坡性能以及初步制动能量回馈做了仿真研究。

    Based on the ADVISOR software, a simulation platform for EV was designed, which processes the relative simulations on the road case, accelerating ability and the feedback of braking energy.


  • 为了提高能源利用率控制器采取能量回馈制动方式,将制动能量回馈电池

    To obtain the optimal energy utilization, the controller controls the regenerated energy feeding to the battery when the motor operates in braking mode.


  • 能量回馈系统可以减缓矛盾方面发挥重要作用,无论在减少能源浪费方面或是在新能源的利用开发上。

    Energy feedback system can play an important role in cutting down waste of energy and utilizing green-energy.


  • 到这里并不是制造伤害感受,而是人类自己不断制造负面能量引发负面回馈而已。

    We speak here not just of direct damage, but where it has been triggered by the reaction to negative energies produced by Mankind.


  • 能量回馈节省能源,又可提高设备利用率效果明显

    Because of energy feedback, effect is distinct for saving energy and increasing availability of the equipment.


  • 指出PWM调制优点采用功率晶闸管有源逆变器能量回馈技术经济性

    It points out that advantage of PWM modulation and economy of active inverter's power feedback technique makes use of power thyristor.


  • 介绍一种新型变频器能量回馈方案主要工作原理进行说明。

    A new energy feedback scheme for frequency converter is described, in which the working principle is mainly introduced.


  • 文章分析了电机制动能量回馈直流侧母线电压变化以及直流电压变化系统影响

    The change of DC voltage in braking process and its effect on system and feedback energy are analyzed.


  • 本文介绍了一个控制起重机变频调速系统,根据桥吊特殊性能要求采用矢量控制方式,具备平滑调速、能量回馈顺序制动等功能

    According to the special requires of bridge crane, it adopts the vector control theory, has functions of regulating speed smoothly, energy feed back, sequence brake etc.


  • 同时证明供电系统中引入本文所提出的新型能量回馈牵引整流系统可行的。

    These also show that the new energy feedback traction rectifier system is feasible in the future urban rail power supply system.


  • 燃料电池整车控制策略包括能量分配策略,制动回馈策略控制策略。三者整车燃料经济性影响至关重要

    The vehicle's control strategies consist of power distribution between different energy sources, regenerative braking and gear shifting control, which have great effect on vehicle's fuel economy.


  • 理论研究仿真验证的基础本文进行了实验系统的软件设计并搭建新型能量回馈牵引整流系统实验平台。

    Based on the theoretical study and simulation before, the paper finished the hardware and software design, built the new energy feedback traction rectifier experiment system.


  • 当时回馈技能时,人类牧师会被反魔法能量所环绕包围,所有牧师释放成功法术将会燃烧法术攻击者法力造成暗影伤害

    When using Feedback, the human priest will surround himself with anti-magical energy. Any successful spell cast against the priest will burn mana from the attacker and deal Shadow damage.


  • 消除过电压主要通过设置变频器减速时间能量消耗回馈电网制动以及共用直流母线吸收再生能量几种方法消除。

    The ways of cancelling over voltage are setting up deceleration time, consumption of energy, feedback electric network brake and Shared direct current bus bar soaking regenerated energy.


  • 本文介绍了一种新型电梯节能技术——有源能量回馈系统以及电梯节能技术在实际应用中所带来经济效益社会效益

    The paper introduces a new type of technique for elevator energy-saving, Active Power energy Feedback System, and the economic and social benefit resulted by elevator energy-saving.


  • 本文主要提高功率因数能量回馈两个角度三相电压PWM整流器作了相应研究

    This paper mainly focused on the research of three-phase PWM voltage source rectifier from the two angles of improving the power factor and feedback of energy.


  • 控制器采取再生制动方式实现能量回馈

    The controller controls the regenerated energy when the motor operates in regenerative braking mode.


  • 采用PWM调节方式,实现了能量双向传递,将电池放电能量回馈直流,解决了电池放电能量利用技术难题。

    Based on PWM technique, the energy from battery discharges return to the master tape of DC, which has the advantage transmitting energy through two directions and realizes energy callback.


  • 采用SPRINT FRAME技术的部位TORSION系统完美融合球员足部提供最大化的减轻重量能量回馈运动控制等功能表现。

    The SPRINTFRAME external heel counter and TORSION SYSTEM are bonded together to allow for maximum weight reduction, energy return and motion control.


  • 目前较为先进电梯节能技术——能量回馈技术可获得非常明显节能效果,节电率22.6%-44.7%。

    The energy feedback technology used in Subei People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province obtained obvious effects and the average efficiency on saving electricity achieved 22.6%-44.7%.


  • 抑制飞轮储能系统驱动电机——转速无刷直流电机能量回馈时的转矩脉动提高系统稳定性,提出种适合高转速飞轮储能单元回馈制动的控制方法

    An energy feedback control scheme was developed for high speed brushless direct current motors used in flywheel energy storage systems to restrain the pulsating torque and improve the stability.


  • 提出一种能量回馈制动方法实现电机制动能量回馈

    Then a method of electrical regenerative braking is brought up to realize feedback energy when the motor is braking.


  • DSP控制同步电机实现能量回馈电动助力车由于可以实现可逆能量的控制,具有节能高效的特点,很好的发展前景

    Electric bicycle with energy feed back by the use of DSP and permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) has good foreground because of its energy-saving and high energy efficiency.


  • 介绍变频调速系统能量回馈原理运用TI公司高性能数字信号处理器TMS320F 2811进行变频器能量回馈系统设计

    It introduced the energy regeneration principle of the invertor system, and used the ti digital signal processor TMS320F2811 to design the invertor energy regeneration system.


  • 电流给定调制(PWM)调压调速系统为例,研究各种制动状态能量回馈过程

    Based on given electric current and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controlling system, the feedback process under each braking condition is studied.


  • 用于动力装置的稳态动态试验而且将所吸收能量转换电能回馈电网

    It can be used engineered automated test systems for steady state, instantaneous state and high dynamic experiment. And its energy absorbing can be translated into electric power network.


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