I have been profoundly changed by reading books. So I know that God USES books to change people for his glory.
John is very attractive and I understand why you've fallen in love for him, but there's no need to throw yourself at him.
He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that.
So I think the thing to take away from this is maybe make sure you do understand the job - what the requirements are.
So he was relieved to read in my book "You Just Don't Understand" (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.
但当他读我的书《你只是不明白》(Ballantine图书出版社, 1990)时,他发现:在一起做事情本身就是一种慰藉,是另外一种关怀,并因此而感到释怀。
So he was relieved to read in my book “You Just Don’t Understand” (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.
I think I understand the leverage in the euro crisis and therefore how far it could spread.
You, who so well know my feelings towards Mr. Darcy, will readily comprehend how sincerely I must rejoice that he is wise enough to assume even the appearance of what is right.
And say what I could, I was incapable of making her comprehend it to be her own; so I rose and covered it with a shawl.
I perceived he was bent on refusing my mediation, so very reluctantly I went up to the library, and announced the unseasonable visitor, advising that he should be dismissed till next day.
So I think that is the message that has to be gotten across.
Thus, this experience made me understand a truth, anyone who wants to do something, just enthusiasm and love were not enough, he also needs really serious work.
Furthermore, it has taken to using the location tracker so all my mates on Google Buzz - which I can't work out how to turn off - are getting updates every five minutes.
Therefore, I teach you only those laws which you can understand, that you may become men, and follow the seven laws of the Son of Man.
So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be
So I send my love and light everywhere, to every soul, and I may as well rejoice in the pockets of light rather than dwell in the pockets of darkness and weep, you see.
Thus, the hit of this movie taught me that a good movie will record a hit even if actors and actresses are not known in Japan.
How important it was to understand the worth of saying "I am sorry" by being told, with forgiveness, that I was hesitating to apologize.
So I'm learning it really doesn't matter. Young, old, tango or hip-hop, staying in love is just about spending that quality time together.
This only irritated me more. I didn't understand one bit. And so I demanded more of the explanation. Mom smiled, and began to explain.
I will let you know that is false information. Fireworks are no small matter, and no laughing matter either. So wipe that smirk off your face and listen up.
So what I understand is we have in all 4 different states and some 6 to 7 events .
So I know that some of you are still adjusting to being back at school. But I'm here today because I have something important to discuss with you.
I know. I do. And I really feel better. That's why I have this good feeling about Christmas.
I know. I do. And I really feel better. That's why I have this good feeling about Christmas.