• 我们成为一支更加团结队伍

    We need to become a more united team.


  • 指责曾策划军队中的不团结

    He had been accused of promoting disunity within the armed forces.


  • 如果我们团结一致,应该没事的。

    If we all stick together, we ought to be okay.


  • 我们需要团结起来反对恐怖主义

    We need to unite against terrorism.


  • 他们团结支持领导人吗?

    Will they unite behind the new leader?


  • 总统就职演说中呼吁全国团结

    In his inaugural address, the president appealed for national unity.


  • 集会发言者们表达了团结观点

    Speakers at the rally expressed sentiments of unity.


  • 这场危机促使整个紧密地团结在一起

    The crisis helped to weld the party together.


  • 整个巴西民族足球热爱团结一起。

    The entire Brazilian people are united by their love of football.


  • 需要这家公司最高层人员团结在一起

    I need to have the top people in this company pull together.


  • 这些女人之间具有一定程度团结精神姐妹情谊

    There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women.


  • 来自法赫德国王口信相信阿拉伯团结呼吁

    He has a message from King Fahd, believed to be an appeal for Arab unity.


  • 素食者们团结起来,”说道看着哈哈。”

    He said "vegetarians unite," and I looked at him and said "yeah, ha ha."


  • 全世界有10亿穆斯林,因为对一位神灵的信仰团结一起。

    One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god.


  • 总统辞职看起来已经放弃国家团结起来所有希望一种承认

    The president's resignation appears to be an acknowledgment that he has lost all hope of keeping the country together.


  • 不是一个可以我们的组织团结起来主意恰恰相反,分裂我们。

    It is not an idea around which the community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.


  • 大敌当前我们必须加强团结

    We must strengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies.


  • 必须注意团结一切可以团结

    Care must be taken to unite with all the people that can be united with.


  • 作者希望人们团结起来拯救这些植物

    The writer expects people to join together to save the plants.


  • 我们应该团结起来保护环境

    All of us should unite in protecting environment.


  • 所谓团结并非一团和气。

    When we speak of unity, we do not mean unprincipled peace.


  • 因为,我们团结在一起

    Because of love, we unite together!


  • 整个民族紧密团结起来

    The whole nation is closely united.


  • 所有国家都需要团结起来对抗恐怖主义

    All countries need to unite against terrorism.


  • 我们为什么团结起来呢?

    Why don't we join our feet together?


  • 篮球我们团结在一起

    Basketball brings us together.


  • 讲话基调团结

    The keynote of his speech was unity.


  • 团结胜利保证

    Unity is the guarantee of victory.


  • 团结胜利保证

    Unity is the guarantee of victory.


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