• 这个壁炉非常引人注目围绕物

    This old fireplace has a very attractive surround.


  • 它们透明围绕再次突出景色以及置入风景生活感觉

    They are transparent enclosures that again emphasise the views and the feeling of living within the surrounding landscape.


  • 围绕权变动中一二卖转手买卖第三利益保护问题进行分析,阐明了采用无因性理论对解决权变动中的第三人保护问题的合理性。

    Focusing on the issues of two-times sale for single good and switch operation in the transfer of real right, this paper analyzes the protection of third partys benefit.


  • 围绕月球陨石坑周围的喷出正是人们预料到一次爆炸中能得到的质,爆炸喷发出大量灰尘土壤岩石

    The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders.


  • 视频最后摄像机建筑盘旋在头顶很大标志出现屏幕上个类似于@的符号围绕小写b

    At the end of the video, the camera spirals around the building overhead as the broad logo appears on the screen: a lowercase b that wraps around itself in an imitation of the @ symbol.


  • 然后围绕球形层上旋转直到没有任何空间,往上移动重复这个过程

    It would then rotate around fitting spheres on that level until there was no more room, moving up again, and repeating.


  • 行星围绕年轻恒星旋转气体灰尘组成

    Planets form from a disk of gas and dust swirling around a young star.


  • 于是,围绕管子冷却乙二醇,现在冷却了的乙二醇又用于冷却这些水沿着供水管道,输送到城市建筑制冷机组

    The glycol is cooled by the ice surrounding the tubes, and the now-cold glycol is used to chill a different water supply that gets piped to refrigeration units in city buildings.


  • 人们持有贵重之围绕着放在自己或者心爱的人身旁,不论是手机,耳机,鱼钩还是串珍珠。

    People want to surround themselves (or their loved ones) with the things they hold dear, whether that’s their cell phone and headset or some family photos, a fishing rod, a piece of treasured jewelry.


  • 大约45亿年前太阳形成时,气体尘埃围绕

    When the sun formed, some 4.5 billion years ago, it was surrounded by a disk of gas and dust.


  • 他们工作围绕细胞膜表面发现复合碳水化合分析

    Their work revolved around an analysis of complex carbohydrates found on the surface membranes of cells.


  • 巨大混凝土障碍依然围绕这个国家中的星座基地他们将会在此处留下他们的艺术足迹

    But on the giant concrete barriers that still ring the constellations of bases around the country, their artistic footprint will remain.


  • 上面显示张照片建筑后面窥视太阳时所拍摄的,带有一个22度的日晕围绕太阳闪耀

    Shown above is a photo of the sun peeking from behind a building, with a 22-degree solar halo arc shining around it.


  • 我们论文围绕着其中被称为莱菔硫SFN化合抗癌行为

    "Our paper focuses on the anti-cancer activity of one of these compounds, called sulforaphane, or SFN," Azarenko added.


  • 之前人们报道另外颗据由岩石组成太阳系行星但是它们围绕脉冲星(恒星爆发后遗留的发光的残存)运转的,不是一颗常态的恒星。

    Three other extrasolar planets believed to be of rocky composition have been reported, but they orbit a pulsar - the flashing corpse of an exploded star - rather than a normal type of star.


  • 译名室工作人员一群好学之士,他们的3办公室座绿藤围绕建筑里,屋里面摆放书籍发霉卡片抽屉

    A bookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers.


  • 大体上围绕充满有着丰富的肿瘤聚集

    Grossly, there are fleshy aggregates of tumor surrounding cystic Spaces filled with blood.


  • 立方体运用也让设计师得以围绕归宗”核心理念,构筑一趟去往佛山”也回归本心旅程。

    The use of the cube allows the designers to present a journey back to "Foshan" and their original minds around the core concept of "origin of everything".


  • 由于狭窄窗口围绕整个结构延伸某些角度上看去,建筑屋顶似乎漂浮坚实墙壁上

    From certain angles, the building's roof appears to float above the solid walls due to the narrow window that extends around the entire structure.


  • 木槿多种木槿主要热带产灌木乔木花朵且华美,各种颜色无数雄蕊围绕着花柱形成

    Any of various chiefly tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Hibiscus, having large, showy, variously colored flowers with numerous stamens united into a tube surrounding the style.


  • 双层空间设在小屋相对两个卧室间并且围绕建筑锚定松树

    A double layer of net spans the gap between the the two bedrooms set on opposite sides of the cabin, and surrounds the pine tree the building anchors itself to.


  • 木板用来创建围绕建筑四周模板将麻凝混合一层一层倒进模板

    Wooden boards are used to create formwork around the perimeter of the building, and the hempcrete composite mixture is poured in layer by layer.


  • ,死:短街,建筑围绕的街道。

    A short street, especially a wide alley walled by buildings on three sides.


  • 环绕围绕

    Something that encircles or surrounds.


  • 配制流体小段塞功能繁多用于围绕井筒进行循环碎片井筒填充井筒粘度下配制的驱扫小段塞。

    Fluid pills are commonly prepared for a variety of special functions, such as a sweep pill prepared at high viscosity to circulate around the wellbore and pick up debris or wellbore fill.


  • 阿姆斯特丹周围围绕美丽的建筑世界著名运河,这里一个安全友好充满生机城市很多等待独自去发现,永远不会感到无聊

    Surrounded by beautiful architecture, world-famous museums and canals, Amsterdam is a safe, friendly, and vibrant city with so much to explore on your own, you'll never feel bored.


  • 倾斜沥青景观特色是自行车站露台花园围绕建筑作为工作人员的集合

    A sloping asphalt landscape, which features bike stands, terraces and gardens, surrounds the building and ACTS as a congregation area for staff.


  • 我们常常忽视而且没有察觉到自然艺术之美,灵魂之美还有围绕我们身边无数美丽

    We often ignore and unaware of the natural beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty and many beautiful things in life around us.


  • 我们常常忽视而且没有察觉到自然艺术之美,灵魂之美还有围绕我们身边无数美丽

    We often ignore and unaware of the natural beauty, artistic beauty, spiritual beauty and many beautiful things in life around us.


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