This feature lets you simplify firmware upgrades of multiple devices.
Internal firmware upgradeable through the serial port or network.
Enable this setting only when you want to perform a firmware upgrade.
The Toolkit will quiesce a domain before configuration changes or firmware upgrades are applied.
As part of our commitment to customer satisfaction, we are offering a free firmware upgrade to those with affected products.
If there's a problem, you have to wait for a "firmware upgrade" — which may or may not address your problem.
One of the frustrating things about the Android operating system can be how different manufacturers and mobile carriers deal with future firmware upgrades.
Easy updates. Today, much of the functionality in many hardware products is accomplished through firmware — embedded software that can be updated over the Internet after a product ships.
There is a new firmware update (Rev. 2.20) for the IC-7800 on the English homepage of the Icom Inc. website.
What's most interesting is that Palm had to pull together a whole new piece of hardware to tackle the iPhone, but most of Apple's response has been achieved in a firmware upgrade.
In addition, the invention can be applied into the firware upgrading of terminals, thus avoiding effects on firware upgrading caused by bad blocks and improving the efficiency of firware upgrading.
而其他的人只能耐心等待了;固件升级很大程度上依赖于运营商和制造商,还有一些可怜的朋友直到上周才得到他们的Android 2.1升级。
Everyone else, you're just going to have to hold tight; firmware updates are largely up to the carriers and OEMs, and some poor saps only got their Android 2.1 upgrade in the last week.
如果你现有PlayStation3游戏机或者DirectTV盒,你很幸运:按照对应厂商的说法,这些设备通过固件升级就可以具备3 D功能。
If you have a PlayStation 3 or a DirectTV box, you're in luck: These devices will gain 3-d capability through firmware upgrades, according to their respective manufacturers.
XC10 Version 2 is a firmware and hardware upgrade that further improves performance, quality, serviceability and scalability of your elastic caching tier.
PS 3固件的未来升级很可能将提供一些改进,例如新的内核版本或驱动程序。
It's quite possible that future updates to the PS3 firmware will improve things, as might new kernel versions or drivers.
IPhone and iPod Touch devices have to be upgraded to firmware version 2.2.1 to get the new code, but all Android phones will benefit immediately.
如果需要升级固件,那么可以通过参考资料中列出的下载站点或者IBM提供的CD - ROM上的固件来进行升级。
If you need to update the firmware, use the download site listed in Resources, or use the firmware on the IBM-supplied CD-ROM.
When complete, select Delete upgrade File if you used a Memory Card to upgrade your camera firmware.
Once the updates became available, users had to download a file, and burn a CD from an.iso file to update their DVD players - a high technical hurdle for many.
Point to the firmware file you saved, and begin the firmware upgrade.
Also I've been trying to upgrade the firmware but it's unavailable on the Kingston site.
To upload an upgrade file to the NAS from a local network, open the Manual Update tab, click Browse, select a firmware file to upload.
Is that possible for you to tell me how can I download the Upgrade Tool and Firmware for this?
Firmware can be upgraded "live" without removing or powering off any components of the chain.
Firmware can be upgraded "live" without removing or powering off any components of the chain.