• 国家理论乌托邦思想重要一部分

    The national theory is the most important part in the Utopia thought.


  • 作为一个完整体系国家理论具有丰富内涵

    As an integrated system, the theory of states bears profound connotation.


  • 国家理论制度经济学理论重要组成部分

    The theory of states is an important part of the theories of the new institutional economics.


  • 其中基本最核心理论统一多民族国家理论

    One of the most basic, the core theory was a unified multi-ethnic country theory.


  • 其他制度经济学家相比思的国家理论最为完善

    Compared with other new institution economists, North has the most perfect nation theory.


  • 通过国家理论延伸我们得出结论产权制度生于资源约束

    By extending North's theory, we draw the conclusion that the property orders are endogenous from resources restraint.


  • 早期乌托邦思想中的国家理论进步意义当时以及后世产生了重大的影响

    The national theory in early utopia thought has its progressive meanings, which has a great impact at that time and even the later ages.


  • 思的国家理论主要包括国家起源国家功能以及国家所有权制度变迁影响三个方面。

    North's nation theory include three aspects: national origin, national function, national influence for ownership change.


  • 导论部分,阐述问题以及研究价值后梳理紧密相关研究文献说明本文选取民族-国家理论作为分析框架可行性

    The introduction firstly sets forth problem of study and value of study; sorts correlative literature and then explains the feasibility to choose nation-state theory as analyzing framework.


  • 国家处境扩展国家理论研究领域,使之不再局限国家市场的关系,而总是围绕国家社会的关系以及治理等问题展开。

    This new situation expands the theory of the state beyond state-market relations focused solely on the relations between state and society and governance.


  • 因此本文把焦点聚近代期间(13世纪17世纪)著名早期乌托邦思想家,对这些较有代表性的乌托邦思想中的国家理论进行分析。

    Therefore, this paper focuses on famous early Utopia thinkers during modern times (13th century to the 17th century) and analyzes the national theory in these representative famous Utopia thoughts.


  • 第二重要决定1979年做出的,当时要求每位教师都必须获得国家出资理论实践专业五年制硕士学位

    The second critical decision came in 1979 when it was required that every teacher gain a fifth-year Master's degree in theory and practice, paid for by the state.


  • 理论上讲,他们国家一个党派民主国家

    On paper, their country is a multi-party democracy.


  • 美国国家航空航天希望通过分析凤凰”号火星探测器着陆红色荒原土壤所含找到支持理论证据

    NASA hopes to find evidence for such theories by analyzing the ice contained in the soil of the red wasteland that the Mars Phoenix Lander touched down on.


  • 今天我会着重讲讲,霍布斯关于君权产物,即主权国家理论

    Today, I want to talk about Hobbes' theory of the sovereign state, the creation of the sovereign.


  • 如果赤松理论用于衡量一个国家产业结构不是人民生活水平日本仍然可以声称自己领头雁。

    And if Akamatsu's theory applies to a country's industrial mix, rather than its standard of living, Japan can still claim to be out in front.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校这项新的研究美国国家科学基金会先进生物理论计划资助的。

    The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U.S. National Science Foundation.


  • 许多奇怪阴谋理论将目光聚焦美元地位美国国家实力关键上。

    A lot of strange conspiracy theories center on the role of the dollar as the linchpin to American power.


  • 斥责作者故意忽略符合他们理论国家,还误解社会问题例如离婚自杀这些问题平等一些的国家糟糕。

    He also chides the authors for ignoring countries that do not fit their theory, and for glossing over social problems, such as divorce and suicide, that are worse in more equal countries.


  • 新兴市场今年戏剧般的复苏,令“脱钩论”卷土重来。理论认为尽管发达国家陷入衰退,新兴市场照样实现增长

    The theory of decoupling – the idea that emerging markets can grow in spite of a downturn in the developed world – has been revived after their dramatic resurgence this year.


  • 他们认为一些国家存在税收理论要素

    But they argue that elements of the optimal tax system already exist in some countries.


  • 很多理论社会层面解释为何越富裕国家生育率越低。

    There are lots of social explanations of why fertility rates fall as countries become richer.


  • 尽管东部国家理论有资格,它们知道欧盟并未准备好在巴尔干半岛地区以外扩张

    And eastern neighbours, though eligible in theory, know the EU is not ready to expand beyond the Balkans.


  • 撒切尔时代理论家们的口号,让国家退,由于刺耳而弃之不用,然而静悄悄难以避免争议的变革正在暗中涌动。

    The old slogan of the Thatcher-era ideologues—“Roll back the state”—has been decommissioned as too bracing, but a quiet and inevitably controversial revolution is under way.


  • 不管同意亚与否,她都精明的组织理论StephenSchneider说到美国国家暴风研究中心气候学家。

    "Whether you agree with Gaia or not, it's a brilliant organizing principle," says Stephen Schneider, a climatologist with U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research.


  • 那些继续捕鱼的国家,渔民至少理论上来说,要服从海洋港口的管理。

    Those that continue are, at least in theory, subject to monitoring both at sea and in port.


  • 巴布亚新几内亚指出当地居民有权利控制森林,在理论明确,但一个国家机构似乎他们头上交易

    In Papua New Guinea, he notes, the right of local people to control their forests is in theory clear-but a state agency seems to making deals over their heads.


  • 信用级别建立违约可能性基础之上,因此级别绝对而非相对而言的;理论说,所有国家都有可能违约。

    Ratings are based on the probability of default so they are absolute, not relative; in theory, all countries could default on their debts.


  • 英国为首很多国家广播至少理论要求公正无偏的,电视网络融合使得那些规律越来越过时

    In Britain and other countries where news broadcasters are required to be impartial, at least in theory, the convergence of television and the web makes such rules seem outdated.


  • 上溯这种毫无道理法则渊源不是件难事因为荒谬理论若是国家采用,那么必定这个国家创立尊重其他学说有着密切的联系。

    It is not difficult to trace this senseless law to its origin; for an absurdity, adopted by a whole nation, must have some affinity with other ideas established and respected by the same nation.


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