• 第二美国西方同盟国战略物质重要利益矿物质矿石这些需要从不发达国家像是菲律宾进口

    Second, the US and its western Allies have a vital interest in strategic materials, like mineral and ore, which have to be imported from less-developed countries like the Philippines.


  • 这个国家最大岛屿Kwajalein保持重要战略利益

    It retains important strategic interests on Kwajalein, the country's largest atoll.


  • 此相反两个重要强大的国家它们之间在密切合作之时,也存在分歧、抱有共识并且拥有长远利益

    Rather, this is about two important and powerful nations that have some differences, some common ground, and a long-term interest in having strong working relations between their governments.


  • 中新同为亚太地区重要国家相隔遥远,但亚太区域合作,存在着广泛的共同利益诉求

    Both China and New Zealand, are important countries in Asia-Pacific region, and have common interests and aspirations in the regional cooperation despite the long distance between the two countries.


  • 我们国家重大利益之中最为重要是我们热情、可信。

    Of all the great interest which appertain to our country, that of union_cordial.


  • 多年来,美国计算专家企业高管们警告说超级计算机领域领军地位国家的很多利益至关重要

    American computing experts and business executives have warned for years that leadership in supercomputing is vital to a range of national interests.


  • 对于教育惩罚犯罪、保护国家社会利益实现刑罚一般预防特殊预防目的具有极其重要的意义。

    It is very important to educate and punish crimes protect the interests of country and the people, realize the purpose of general and special prevention of penalty.


  • 今年年初,中国宣称,南海海上交通线至关重要,事关中国国家核心利益,这使得争议进一步扩大。

    The issue flared up earlier this year when China claimed the vital shipping lane as part of its core national interest.


  • 前者彰显了欧洲核心(法国)对民族国家身份强调,而后者使法国认识欧洲对法国利益至关重要影响

    The first pointed to a reassertion of nation-states at the heart of Europe; the second led France to conclude that a European community was in its vital interest.


  • 民意案件处理结果有关(直接潜在)国家排斥在刑事诉讼活动之外一种重要利益体现

    Public opinion is concerned with the outcome of the case (direct or potential) but was excluded from the criminal activities of the State other than the interests of an important embodiment.


  • 社区发生重要事件往往能够体现国家社会之间利益关系权力结构

    The important events that occur in the community can often reflect the interest relationship and power structure between the state and society.


  • 这个世界过去似无情。更为重要竟因而这个国家孩子工人利益很多工作,直到生命的尽头

    The world treated her so cool, and the most important was that she moved to her end because of the work which she had done for the benefits of the children and the workers in this country.


  • 简要介绍了中国船舶报告制度概况,阐述了船舶加入系统履行国际公约组织搜寻救助行动,维护人命财产安全,保护国家公司利益重要

    It presents that its very important to join this system for performing the international convention, organizing search and rescue, the safety of life and property, as well as the company benefits.


  • 中美都亚太重要国家,亚太是中美利益交织最密集、互动频繁地区

    Both China and the United States are major Asia-Pacific countries, whose interests intersect more closely and interact more frequently than in any other region of the world.


  • 分析冷战后日本国家利益我们把握亚洲战略内涵具有重要意义。

    An analysis of the Japan's national interest helps greatly to understand the connotation of its Asian strategy.


  • 贸易壁垒调查制度国际上应用是相对久远的,而且在维护国家自身经济利益有着重要作用

    The system of trade barrier investigations has existed for a long time in the world, and plays a key role in the field of protecting the economy interest of a state.


  • 我们国家而言伊拉克承担使命困难而艰巨的,取得成功美国利益至关重要

    The mission in Iraq has been difficult and trying for our nation. But it is in the vital interest of the United States that we succeed.


  • 我们国家重大利益之中最为重要是我们热情、 可信。

    Of all the great interest appertain to our country, that of union _ cordial.


  • 这个世界过去似无情更为重要竟因而为这个国家孩子工人利益很多工作,直到生命的尽头。

    The world seemed too cold to her, and the more important was she contributed a lot for kids and workers in the country till her death.


  • 使欧洲其他国家绿色投资者提供利益确定性方面走得更远更快至关重要就是为什么我们抓紧敦促欧盟减排目标提升30%的原因。

    Getting the rest of Europe to go further and faster in providing certainty to green investors is vital, which is why we're not letting up in pushing the EU to up its emissions reduction target to 30%.


  • 使欧洲其他国家绿色投资者提供利益确定性方面走得更远更快至关重要就是为什么我们抓紧敦促欧盟减排目标提升30%的原因。

    Getting the rest of Europe to go further and faster in providing certainty to green investors is vital, which is why we're not letting up in pushing the EU to up its emissions reduction target to 30%.


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