This has increased expectations that the yuan eventually will become an international reserve currency alongside the dollar.
The position of the USD as the major international reserve currency is pivotal to the unfolding of either scenario.
Strengthen the international reserve currency country's supervision, improve the international reserve currency regulation and control mechanisms.
And support for "a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty".
Conspiracy theory notwithstanding, claims that the reserve status of the dollar unfairly benefits the us are no longer true.
Uno finished by saying the dollar may drop to 50 yen next year and eventually lose its role as the global reserve currency.
Namely RMB becomes convertible and multifunctional international currency, and accounts for a relatively large proportion in international monetary system.
And the other is that it is possible to create the non-sovereign international re- serve currency, and the precondition is eliminating "hegemony" in the international monetary system.
RMB will become the quasi key-currency in the near future. and it is favorable to the f...
RMB will become the quasi key-currency in the near future. and it is favorable to...
RMB as an international reserve currency should also be based on gold, so he proposed to increase the gold reserves in the proportion of foreign exchange reserves.
It would take years to develop SDR money markets that are liquid enough to be a reserve asset.
The dollar’s reserve-currency status let America borrow cheaply, causing the country’s credit and housing bubbles to persist for longer than they otherwise would have.
The US has better growth prospects than most European nations and has the "exorbitant privilege" of issuing debt in the world's reserve currency, which keeps the cost down.
Asian Snap: China revives the reserve currency debate and pushes for more Forex diversification - NFP's and ECB rate decision loom.
There are no solutions that do not involve a dramatic transformation of the USD in international financial markets, and its role as the reserve currency.
杜思韦特(Douthwaite)因此建议一种以能源为支持的货币(energy-backedcurrency unit),或者称为ebcu,来作为国际储备货币。
Douthwaite therefore suggests an energy-backed currency unit, or ebcu, as the international reserve currency.
In recent weeks, international gold prices have blazed a record-breaking trail on concerns about the declining strength of the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
徐洪才在文章中建议,应建立一个由国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetary Fund)等类似机构监管的多储备货币体系。
Xu, for his part, suggests moving toward a system of multiple reserve currencies overseen in part by the likes of the International Monetary Fund.
美元既是国际贸易的工具,也是储备货币。 但这两种角色却是完全不同的。
The role for the dollar as an international means of exchange is entirely different from its role as a reserve currency.
Over time, we need to prepare for an international finance system with multiple reserve currencies, with others connected by various pegs.
Second, the country that issues the reserve currency faces a trade-off between domestic and international stability.
Some say that America's role as the principal issuer of the global reserve currency gives it an unfair advantage.
Created by the IMF in 1969, and now based on the weighted average of the dollar, euro, yen and pound, the SDR was designed as a reserve currency but never took off.
Russian leaders have been pushing the idea of replacing existing international financial institutions and reserve currencies over the past year.
Russian leaders have been pushing the idea of replacing existing international financial institutions and reserve currencies over the past year.