With the Iranian nuclear issue, one of the international hot spots, the two sides dealt differently once again.
Study on the wave-tide-surge interaction in shallow sea is one of the up-to-date active research areas around the world.
As its allies age and even shrink inpopulation, the United States could be forced to assume even more of the burdenof policing the world's trouble spots.
Mrs Clinton also plans to bring back a hallmark of the Clinton years: a series of special envoys to cover certain international hot zones. Some names have leaked out.
The evening news showed scenes of the large crowd that Mr. Ahmadinejad’s talk had drawn inside and outside the university. “Mr.
International disputes and hotspot issues should be settled by peaceful means. The international community should strongly oppose the willful use or threat of force.
China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the international community, will continue to make every effort for the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues.
Problem-solving has been an international mathematics education research hot spot.
With this development trend, law application of confirming the liability of foreign products is gradually becoming the hot problem in the studies of international private law.
The research of soil quality is becoming the focused topic of the international pedology.
Nevertheless, Shanghai has become a hotspot for tourists, vacationers, and—of course—international business travelers.
这将包括:使学院更加国际化,尽管它已经非常国际化了。 诺瑞亚先生上任的第一个动作就是着手到全世界的商业热点做一次巡游。
This will involve making the school even more globally connected than it already is: one of Mr Nohria’s first acts as dean was to embark on a whistle-stop tour of the world’s business hot-spots.
Since the late 20th Century, the characteristics of high-quality accounting standards have become a hot issue for the international accounting profession.
We took an active part in the resolution of global hot-spot issues, and played Chinas role in international and regional affairs.
We took an active part in the resolution of global hot-spot issues, and played China's role in international and regional affairs.
As an important part of international finance, exchange rate is always the hot topic for discussion and research.
Image reconstruction from projections is a very hot research area all over theworld.
Fair value is one of the hot issues of international accounting.
International Circulation: What do you think the highlight of hypertension research is in recent years?
Iran nuclear crisis has become the hot issue of the international community, and has naturally attracted the world's attention as well.
International Circulation: What do you think some of the important topics or hot topics could be here at ACC? Or presently, here in hypertension are right now?
Now days, parallel import of trademark goods is one of the hot issues both in the fields of intellectual property rights and the international trade.
Therefore, the technology of EUVL is becoming a hot point in international lithography field.
Microwave catalysis is an important branch of microwave chemistry, and it is the focus of international research.
So protecting plant resources and rescuing the rare and endangered plants have become attention hotspot for international society.
It has become one research focus in the field of international Machine Learning.
Information Retrieval Visualization is a hot problem of current international research, which has very highly academic value and using value.
The Anglo-American Relations is an important subject in international history and a hot topic in modern society.
The Anglo-American Relations is an important subject in international history and a hot topic in modern society.