The ruling says the EU isn't complying with international commerce rules by imposing its anti-dumping duties.
He says it is America not China that needs to abide by international trade rules.
The companies also argue that the new obligation infringes on their commercial freedoms as bestowed by international trade rules.
Obama stopped short of explicitly backing the legislation and he restated concerns that any measure must comply with global trade rules.
At least 3-years experience about import & export business, Good knowledge of international trade and China customs compliance , good command of ERP system;
White House officials have not formally opposed the bill but have indicated discomfort with it, citing concerns about legislation that might violate international trade rules.
The European Union has warned the U. S. that proposed 'Buy American' provisions in planned stimulus spending could break trade rules.
A good recent idea is that the WTO publicise any new barriers, whether or not they are allowed by its rules.
However, for the important effect of anti-circumvention on international trade, it is a must and a possibility that anti-circumvention measures have been brought into WTO rules.
Wrules of WTO and its' principle system have established administration frame of international trade as well as a whole set of legal and disciplines.
For yachts, these rules can be difficult to meet full compliance as the regulations in SOLAS are predominantly written for internationally trading merchant ships.
The Rotterdam Rules establishes the legal system of right of goods control for the first time in the field of international maritime transport.
This presentation, from the aspects of the international trade, production, capital and international economic regulations, analyzes the causes of expanding 'figure gap'.
These new trade barriers arise from social regulation, which is formed by bringing national social regulations to international trade.
Recognizing that clear and predictable rules of origin and their application facilitate the flow of international trade;
The convention of international trade is formed with long-time and continual international trade practice and has received public recognition, which is a series of regulations applicable worldwide.
To definitude these proposition conduce to our country's undertaking to comply the international competition regulation while dealing with the international trade and to create the profit.
Because the regulations may change at any time, international business is also risky.
With the frequent occurrence of evasion of antidumping activities, more and more countries begin to write anti-circumvention measures into their national antidumping laws.
In brief, the World trade organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations.
争议双方同意遵守现行有效的中国国际贸易促进委员会调解中心调解规则。 调解须由调解中心按其规定执行。
The parties agree to be bound by the Rules and Procedures of Mediation Center of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, as amended from time to time.
Standard oriented technical rules have prevailed on the international trade stage when the international trade competition has also been standardized.
Combining CMI Rules, numeric signature and title registry center, it is a system providing electronic service to international commerce especially the documents of maritime transport.
In this revised form the Rules represent a major contribution towards the simplification of international trade procedures as a means of facilitating international trade and its finance.
The arbitration rules of UNCITRAL in 1976 is just the procedures standard specially for AD hoc arbitration.
It is also against WTO rule to grant special treatment to foreign investors.
It is also against WTO rule to grant special treatment to foreign investors.