The cabin is optimized for enjoying the beautiful scenic landscape that surrounds it.
Many still fish from open skiffs, and – on Stromboli – they live in tiny cubic houses, all the better for riding out the tremors.
A participant brought two seedlings of Bodhi tree; one for our land and one for my residence. They planted the Bodhi seedling near the shed.
He writes of how burnt-out American singer Bob Dylon decided to walk away from his musical career in 1965 and escape to a cabin in the woods, only to be overcome by a desire to write.
Scott and his crew stayed at the hut before their ill-fated Terra Nova expedition to the South Pole in January 1912.
There's a wooden hut where you can stay at the end of the track but be aware that it's really just an overnight shelter, and you'll need to take your own sleeping bags and cooking equipment.
The deceased pioneer's residence is a humble wooden house which is under restoration, and visitors are likely to see its real look at the end of June.
Pictured here: A woman pours beer inside a wooden tent at the Cannstatter Volkfest in Stuttgart, Germany.
At the desert compound Teri tries to find an escape from the cabin prison.
在菲律宾,卖蛋糕的CELIA ORBOC用她微薄的补助金购置了一栋小木屋,有生以来第一次使自己的五个孩子有了栖息之处。
CELIA ORBOC, a cake-seller in the Philippines, spent her little stipend on a wooden shack, giving her five children a roof over their heads for the first time.
As I sat there watching him sleep, I remembered something I told him on our first anniversary: we had borrowed a cabin by a lake from a friend for the weekend.
Throughout, secluded wooden cabins inhabit the frozen lakeshores and forest clearings, telling in microcosm the story of this once-disputed frontier territory.
As we motored up, we could see the trim brown cabin sitting at one end of a half moon of pebble beach; at the other end, Cascade Creek tumbled into the glacial gray waters of the bay.
I told them of my plan to save money by moving out of my beach cottage and renting a room for the few remaining months.
On rocky hillsides there are wooden huts and in wooded valleys, towns of brick. Arid uplands are irrigated and planted with leafy gardens, whereas, on fertile plains, the parks are paved with stone.
They’re tearing down the cabin any minute and I need you to help me save a bird’s nest that’s tucked in the rafters.
One of the things that's very true about Moscow, right into the twentieth century, is that you had all sorts of peasants living on the edge of Moscow living in these wooden houses.
We didn’t have Internet in our log cabin and of course as usual we didn’t watch TV.
Rick quickly leaves the shed, and Eli questions him outside.
Today in 1854, Henry David Thoreau released his nuanced and readable account of two years that he spent largely alone in a cabin near Concord, Massachusetts.
Then one day as you walk down your normal path that is heavily worn from years of use down to the river you notice a little building way off the trail you're on.
He and some farm hands were playing at CARDS in a small cabin that stood against the end of a big barn. A wicked woman had once lived in this cabin.
In the other villages we'd visited, people would flock out for dagu. But here just a few people came out to greet us.
在采儿溪我们住在迈特和朱莉 克劳弗的山间小木屋里,在那里度过的几天里我们能欣赏到湖边的美景,有床铺,淋浴,美食和朋友的陪伴,使我们能养精蓄力来继续在阿尔卑斯山余下的旅程。
We enjoyed a couple of nights by the lake with beds, showers, good food and better company, before regaining the strength to take on the rest of the Alps.
Prof Thomson began his research in the late 1980s after buying a remote plot of land and building a log cabin in a meadow full of glacier lilies.
After a meal (chicken curry and rice) and a short sleep in bunk beds at the Seto-kan hut, we woke at 11.30pm to continue. By now the path was full of people doing the non-stop night trek.
After a meal (chicken curry and rice) and a short sleep in bunk beds at the Seto-kan hut, we woke at 11.30pm to continue. By now the path was full of people doing the non-stop night trek.