Bown and his colleagues stumbled across it while they were doing geological mapping in the region.
The new study combined computer modeling with measurements of the ice and the underlying bedrock, both direct and by satellite.
Assessment units (AUs)—mappable volumes of rock with common geologic traits—were identified within each province and quantitatively assessed for petroleum potential.
It can achieve large amount of geological information in a short time by the way of remote sensing, geological survey, seismic prospecting, electrical prospecting.
Geological recording and plotting is one of the main tasks in the construction geology of water conservancy projects.
But scientists are keen to do more. They would like to map it, measure it, build on it and observe from it. Eventually they might even live on it.
But scientists are keen to do more. They would like to map it, measure it, build on it and observe from it. Eventually they might even live on it.