First, interest rates may take longer to fall than is hoped. Second, lending may fall. Third, bad loans could wipe out much of any improvement.
Ridding the financial sector of its bad debt will take years.
When the bubble bursts, the Banks will be sitting on a huge amount of bad debt.
Some economists also worry that the spate of new lending will burden Banks with more bad loans.
The results will be ugly for some, given how slow they have been to build reserves and acknowledge dud loans.
Another aspect, it do not compete with to selling the period income matching each other in a bad debt expense.
But Japan's regulators for a long while were in cahoots with Banks over hiding their bad loans.
Bailey said hospitals are negotiating higher treatment rates with insurance companies to offset the bad debt.
Concerns are mounting that the boom could cause property bubbles that weigh down Banks with bad debt when they burst.
Many hospitals say they are already seeing an increase in their bad debt - money they bill patients for but cannot collect.
Investors regard the acquisition as a mistake, given the charges Lloyds has incurred on bad debt from HBOS's lending practices.
The "bad bank" inherits the bad assets and the rest of the capital - which, after appropriate markdowns of the assets, will not be enough.
In addition, the loan reviewer needs to have even more detailed customer data, like transaction history and customer credit information, in order to reduce the company's bad loan ratio.
Our banking system is strong, with capital adequacy ratios of locally incorporated Banks averaging 17% and bad debt ratios of less than 2%.
More will be necessary if, as is rumoured, Barack Obama's team creates a bad bank to take on troubled loans and puts more capital into Banks.
More will be necessary if, as is rumoured, Barack Obama's team creates a bad bank to take on troubled loans and puts more capital into Banks.