Children with s. haematobium almost always have microscopic blood in their urine and this can be detected by chemical reagent strips.
To predict the subnational spatial variation in the number of people infected with Schistosoma haematobium in Burkina Faso, Mali and the Niger prior to national control programmes.
National aggregate estimates of infection mask important local variations: e.g. most S. haematobium infections in the Niger occur in the Niger River valley.
Therefore, we suggest that the authority should establish a program for prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis haematobia and schistosomiasis mansoni in persons of export of labor services.
Praziquantel has been used successfully over the past 20 years to control schistosomiasis in Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.
Praziquantel has been used successfully over the past 20 years to control schistosomiasis in Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.