Gene-trapping is an advantageous technique for generating gene mutations massively which is important to identify the functions of large quantities of gene sequence.
When mammals captured the gene, they used it in the placenta to create a layer of fused cells through which mothers can send nutrients to their embryos.
The technology for exome sequencing is also further along than for whole-genome sequencing, Wang added, including not only the sequencing, but the capture technologies and the data analysis.
我们通过捕获t - DNA,从水稻中分离到了引起叶片向上卷曲的卷叶基因。
We applied T-DNA tagging and isolated a rolled-leaf gene from rice which, when over-expressed, could induce upward curling of the leaf blade.
This method enabled the capture and analysis of selected genomic regions of interest.
Using a revolutionary genetic map of elephant herds in Africa, scientists have traced a multi-million-pound haul of ivory products to its origins on the southern African savanna.
Using a revolutionary genetic map of elephant herds in Africa, scientists have traced a multi-million-pound haul of ivory products to its origins on the southern African savanna.