The Sharpe ratio based on annual returns was a very healthy 1.27.
Were the traders getting better or were employers culling low Sharpe traders?
Chapter 4 discusses reinsurance optimization model under sharpe's ratio and the conditions applicable, it derives more general model.
As to returns and risks as well as Sharp Ratio, it is impossible to make correct and reasonable judgement by means of statistic significance.
We found traders increased their Sharpe ratios significantly during the two years of the study -indicating they were learning to make more money per unit of risk.
The objective Sharpe ratio function of land development arithmetic average value portfolio is deduced based on the geometric average B-S model of the basket options in the paper.
More usefully, the data also suggest that Banks could use an improving Sharpe ratio over time as a measure that indicates a trader has developed a skill worth paying for.
但是在月球上,这个比率变化范围很大——夏普称这个现象为“离散”- - -如果月球包含大量氢的话,这个事件是不可能发生的。
But on the moon, there's a wide variety in that ratio-what Sharp calls "scatter" -something that could not have happened if the moon contained significant amounts of hydrogen.
The ratio variability was a "completely unexpected and initially quite bewildering" result, Sharp says.
Dr Sharp said that if lunar rocks had initial hydrogen contents anywhere close to those of terrestrial rocks, the chlorine isotope ratios would not have so much scatter.
Dr Sharp said that if lunar rocks had initial hydrogen contents anywhere close to those of terrestrial rocks, the chlorine isotope ratios would not have so much scatter.