• 外交部调来短期任职认识的。

    They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office.


  • 哥斯达黎加外交部表示一些乘客下落不明,没有说明具体多少人。

    Some passengers remain missing, the Costa Rican foreign ministry said, but did not specify how many.


  • 外交部断然否认此有任何牵连

    The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.


  • 外交部有过段光辉事业

    He had a very distinguished career in the Foreign Office.


  • 伊朗官方新闻机构援引名高级外交部官员的话说,目前正在外交Ali-AhbarVeliatti访问伊拉克做准备。

    Official Iranian news agency quoting a senior Foreign Ministry official has said preparations were being made for the Foreign Minister Dr. Ali-Ahbar Veliatti to visit Iraq.


  • 阿赫蒂萨里最初的职业教师,随后芬兰外交部工作。

    Ahtisaari began his career as a school teacher before joining Finland's foreign ministry.


  • 外交部已经两次发布旅行提醒。我们再次提醒中国公民前往疫情国家切实加强防范

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already released two travel alerts and I would like to remind Chinese citizens again to take precautions while traveling to flu-affected countries.


  • 双方中部非洲形势交换看法同意建立外交部之间有关磋商合作机制

    The two sides also exchanged views on the situation in Central Africa and agreed to establish relevant consultation and cooperation mechanism between the foreign ministries of the two countries.


  • 国外长就两外交部合作地区和国际形势共同关心问题交换意见

    The two ministers also exchanged views on cooperation between the two foreign ministries as well as the issues of common concern such as the regional and international situation.


  • 澳大利亚外交部能够麦凯提供帮助实在有限因为游客他们当时所在国家管辖的。

    The Department of Foreign Affairs has said it is limited in what it can do to help Mr McKay, as travellers were bound by the laws of the countries they visited.


  • 约翰爵士今年53岁此前外交部政务官,驻埃及大使以及首相托尼·布莱尔外务顾问

    Sir John, 53, has previously served as the political director of the foreign Office, as the ambassador to Egypt and as a foreign affairs adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair.


  • 第二卫生部外交部需要令人信服理由来说服其他部委保护用于国内外卫生方面的资金

    Second, ministries of health and foreign affairs need a set of compelling arguments for persuading other ministries to protect funding for health, nationally and internationally.


  • 中埃青年外交官交流是两国外交部合作重要组成部分有利于增进相互了解促进友好合作。

    As part of the cooperation between the foreign ministries of the two countries, the exchange of young diplomats helps both sides to enhance mutual understanding and promote friendly cooperation.


  • 他们斯里兰卡外交部海军进行了联系要求对方迅速采取措施营救船员寻找失踪船员。

    They contacted the Foreign Ministry as well as the navy of Sri Lanka, asking them to take immediate measures to rescue the fishermen and search for those missing.


  • 英国外交部网站建议如下:“鉴于日益恶化安全局势考虑曼谷的人们紧急审视自己的计划。”

    Advice on the Foreign Office website read: "in view of the deteriorating -security situation anyone considering going to Bangkok should urgently review their plans."


  • 伊朗外交部拒绝奥巴马举动发表评论伊朗高级人士驳斥他们国家对本地区构成威胁的说法

    The Iranian foreign ministry declined to comment on Obama's move, but senior Iranian figures rejected the idea that their country was a threat to the region.


  • 而其他部门主要是外交部认为这个工程危及开发本国资源建设终端设备进口液化天然气计划

    Others, chiefly in the foreign ministry, think it could jeopardise the country's plans to develop its own reserves, and to build a terminal to import LNG.


  • 该团15名记者分别来自巴基斯坦孟加拉尼泊尔斯里兰卡印度外交部新闻司接待

    The 15 members of the delegation come from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India are received by the Information Department of the Foreign Ministry.


  • 最近俄罗斯外交部圆桌会议陈述了自己理论,还在俄国顶级国际关系学院演讲。

    He presented his theory at a recent roundtable discussion at the Foreign Ministry. The country's top international relations school has hosted him as a keynote speaker.


  • 外交部网站消息,今年暑期,外交部例行记者会往年惯例7月21日8月27日暂停

    The weekly press conference held by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs every Thursday will be suspended from July 21 to August 27, the Ministry said on its website. The break follows convention.


  • 第一新加坡外交部日前发表声明,对于中方南海问题立场表示关切中方对此作评论?

    Q: First, How do you comment on the recent statement by the Singaporean Foreign Ministry that expressed concern over China's position on the South China Sea issue?


  • 基辛格探讨这个问题是采取向后方法,1907年英国外交部高官艾尔·克劳威爵士备忘录

    Kissinger addresses this question by looking to the past, a memorandum written by a senior official of the British Foreign Office, Eyre Crowe, in 1907.


  • 德国外交部负责美国事务统筹人KarstenVoigt暗示然而长远看,美国主要关注中国

    Yet America's main preoccupation in the longer run will be China, suggests Karsten Voigt, co-ordinator of relations with America at the German foreign ministry.


  • 西班牙外交部星期二表示俄罗斯工作人员发现“参与他们身份不符活动请求离开

    The Spanish Foreign Ministry said Tuesday the Russian staffers were "invited" to leave after being found "to have engaged in activities incompatible with their status."


  • 诺戈维岑将军俄罗斯外交部今天收到了和平协议文件。俄罗斯格鲁吉亚已经签署了文件,文件没有任何修改

    Nogovitsyn said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the document with the peace agreement today and it has already been signed by Russia and Georgia without any changes made.


  • 诺戈维岑将军俄罗斯外交部今天收到了和平协议文件。俄罗斯格鲁吉亚已经签署了文件,文件没有任何修改

    Nogovitsyn said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the document with the peace agreement today and it has already been signed by Russia and Georgia without any changes made.


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