• 沙特外交部长解释了此事。

    He put the case to the Saudi foreign minister.


  • 外交部长昨天取消华盛顿访问

    The Russian foreign minister yesterday cancelled his visit to Washington.


  • 报纸头版刊登外交部一张合影。

    The front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers.


  • 紧张局面使得这位容易焦躁外交部长开始抓狂。

    The strain was pushing the high-strung foreign minister over the edge.


  • 这位外交部长表示:”我们准备任何法律主体进行探讨我们绝不会个罪犯谈判。“

    The foreign minister said:"We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but will never negotiate with criminals."


  • 外交部长中国外交部长举行了会谈

    The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart.


  • 外交部长成为众矢之的

    The foreign minister has become everybody's favourite Aunt Sally.


  • 外交部长承认该国局势依然感到焦虑。

    The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.


  • 将担任威尼斯欧盟外交部长会议主席

    He was about to chair a meeting in Venice of E.U. foreign ministers.


  • 美国国务卿俄罗斯外交部长会晤,试图确定这项表述模糊协议

    The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.


  • 伊朗官方新闻机构援引名高级外交官员的话说,目前正在外交部长Ali-AhbarVeliatti访问伊拉克做准备。

    Official Iranian news agency quoting a senior Foreign Ministry official has said preparations were being made for the Foreign Minister Dr. Ali-Ahbar Veliatti to visit Iraq.


  • 突尼斯外交部长奥斯马内·贾拉迪表示大约有800名突尼斯叙利亚反对派战斗

    Foreign Minister Othmane Jarandi said that there were about 800 Tunisians fighting for the opposition in Syria.


  • 如果不是宇宙期待做些什么事情那么第一,妻子绝对不会离开他;第二,外交部长不会对他施压,迫使他辞职

    If the Universe hadn't wanted something of him, then a his wife would never have left him, and b the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would never have pressured him into quitting.


  • 如果不是宇宙期待做些什么事情那么第一,妻子绝对不会离开他;第二,外交部长不会对他施压,迫使他辞职

    If the Universe hadn't wanted something of him, then a his wife would never have left him, and b the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would never have pressured him into quitting.


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