This is a large concept, so allow me to butcher it into two paragraphs.
Beauty in form ", as a big concept in modelling factors, contains all kinds of regular patterns of a variety of beauty."
Electrical equipment installation is a great concept, its range is very wide, discipline span etc. Characteristics.
This is mainly because of the two ideas behind a LEDs true lifespan: Lumen Depreciation and Useful Life.
Based on the grand concept of Qian Xuesen's scientific thinking mentioned in the past, the framework of Qian Xuesen's scientific thinking is dealt with.
Shen Yun: Therefore, under the large concept of "Made in Songzhuang", we can introduce many phenomena, but not rush to a conclusion.
By means of classifying physique systematically and dividing the stages of physique, it is also proved that physique is dynamic and relatively balanced concept with multi dimension and system.
基于资产的开发(Asset - Based Development,ABD)是一个大概念,本身就足以用一系列文章予以讨论。
Asset-based development (ABD) is a large concept and is worthy of its own series of articles.
如今,驱动数据中心的两大概念 —经济和环保 — 使服务器虚拟化成为IT世界的一个热门话题。许多硬件和软件供应商都提供了解决方案。
Thanks to two concepts driving the data center today—economy and green computing—server virtualization is a hot topic in the IT world and a lot of hardware and software vendors are offering solutions.
It also goes beyond mere schematics to allow us to define ontologies, which are meant to be approximations of how we hold concepts, but for now we shall be mostly using the basic schematic features.
游戏中的语音聊天不是一个新概念-我记得大概10年前,我使用过一个叫Roger Wilco的程序来玩CounterStrike。
In-game voice chat isn't a new concept - I remember using a program called Roger Wilco to play Counter Strike nearly a decade ago.
第 1部分最先介绍的是服务,因为若要理解SOA框架,它大概是最重要的一个概念。
Part 1 began with service, because it's probably the most important concept to understand the SOA framework.
It seems unlikely that infants would be able to build relationships with others without some limited concept of themselves.
Indices were created so investors could have a sense of how the overall market is performing, and market value-weighted indices do this very well.
Talk to enough investors and you get an idea of whether we have capitulation .
DonTapscott在他 1977年的畅销书《成长中的数字化》中提出“网络一代”这个概念,大概并不赞同以上这些观点。
The man who christened the “net generation” in his 1997 bestseller, “Growing Up Digital”, has no time for such views.
This paper first introduced the concept of the teacher-student interaction and the basic characteristics of the interaction between teachers and students about to find out.
During my years in China I'd learned about ideas on a person's "quality, " or "suzhi, " — concepts that are widely accepted here but would probably discomfort liberal parents elsewhere.
The exact figures aren't available, but see if you can get an idea of how much this will cost.
Western society has been exposed to the concept of written and permanent Laws.
Comparing human emotions to animals' may be like comparing color vision to black-and-white-they're the same concept, but the former is immensely more complex.
Mechanical memorizing can not solve a few basic ideas, must try to understand from each different respects, and cannot be begged probably.
Because sorting is a concept that only makes sense for sequences, this presumably means that you want a sequence of the values of the dictionary in the order obtained by sorting the keys.