This is the website for Department of Biology, Seattle Pacific University.
Pacific Western University later changed its name to California Miramar University.
I understand that all application materials become the property of the PSU and are not returnable.
She attended Pacific University, where she received BS in social work and an MS in physical therapy.
I understand that all application materials become the property of the Pacific States University and are not returnable.
The boys are not at Seattle Pacific University, either, where the student body is 65 percent female.
Pacific Western University, prior to an ownership change, changing its name and becoming accredited, was the subject of criticism concerning its unaccredited nature and quality of its programs.
Neither did Tang’s purported PhD from the California Institute of Technology. His degree was from an unaccredited “diploma mill” called Pacific Western University.
位于斐济的南太平洋大学在首都阿瓦阿,_ |加岛提供职业,基础和学位课程。其中一些课程会运用多媒体技术与斐济中心保持联系。
The Fiji-based University of the South Pacific maintains an extension centre in Avarua, Rarotonga and provides vocational, foundation and degree courses, some using video links with the Fiji centre.
Former Seattle Pacific University gymnast Heather Garcia, 23, practices on a log at Seattle's Golden Gardens Park as temperatures climb into the mid 70s on Sunday, June 5, 2011.
"It is much larger than anything we've seen in the Pacific in 45 years," said Okal, of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
来自加拿大Lethbridge大学的两位进化心理学家Paul Vasey和DougVanderLaan过去几年一直在太平洋的萨摩亚岛上验证这种想法。
Two evolutionary psychologists, Paul Vasey and Doug VanderLaan of the University of Lethbridge, Canada tested this idea for the past several years on the Pacific island of Samoa.
After graduation, because remembering his mother, the Son returned home across the Pacific.
当他后来在位于伏尔加河河畔的萨马拉市的一所大学内停留时终于被警方觅得了行踪,并马上将其逮捕。 这名男子原本住在俄罗斯太平洋沿岸的Primorye地区,而萨马拉市与该地的距离则已经超过了8000公里。
He was finally picked up by police after being spotted loitering at a university in the Volga river city of Samara, over 8,000 km from his native Primorye region, on Russia's Pacific coast.
加州大学伯克莱分校太平洋地震工程研究中心主任Stephen Mahin说,另外一项危险则来自加州海岸的海底地震。
The other danger is from underwater landslides just off the coast, said Stephen Mahin, director of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center at UC Berkeley.
APRU's vision is bridging research universities across the Pacific through education, research and enterprise.
In the late 1970s, a team of researchers from Oregon State University unexpectedly discovered whole ecosystems thriving around a hot vent on the Pacific seafloor.
A leading state university in the Pacific Northwest will serve as our example.
For example: a university in the American Pacific Northwest would probably be accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.
SFU has three campuses located in Metropolitan Vancouver, a large, safe and cosmopolitan city on the beautiful west coast of Canada.
SFU has three campuses located in Metropolitan Vancouver, a large, safe and cosmopolitan city on the beautiful west coast of Canada.