A Malaysian couple returned from vacation to find a serial burglar lying on their floor, famished, dehydrated and clasping his hands in apology.
The Chancellor now ruled the galaxy, and the young hero he had come to regard as his beloved brother lay dying on the charred gravel of a hellish world.
在恩多战役(Battle ofEndor)中的第二死星上,阿纳金奄奄一息。
Aboard the second Death Star at the Battle of Endor, Anakin Skywalker lay dying.
Retired bricklayer and part time fisherman Joao Pereira DE Souza, 71, from an island village just outside Rio DE Janeiro in Brazil, discovered the tiny penguin languishing on rocks in 2011.
Retired bricklayer and part time fisherman Joao Pereira DE Souza, 71, from an island village just outside Rio DE Janeiro in Brazil, discovered the tiny penguin languishing on rocks in 2011.