The sudden snowfall has caused much inconvenience for many Austrians, forcing the closure of some scenic zones on the Alps and triggering numerous car accidents.
Cafes and coffee houses are an Austrian tradition, and it is customary to take an afternoon break for a strong cup of coffee.
Executives also voted on humour levels in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Austria, with the latter pair barely raising a smirk.
A number of Austrians have raffled off their homes recently, as they see it as a way of securing their desired asking price if they fail to find a buyer by more traditional methods.
烤乳猪是古巴、西班牙、葡萄牙、匈牙利和奥地利的传统新年食品。 奥地利人还会把杏仁甜饼做成小猪的样子来装饰餐桌。
Roast suckling pig is served for New Year's in Cuba, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, and Austria—Austrians are also known to decorate the table with miniature pigs made of marzipan.
Meanwhile, the Austrians have the opposite set of policy guidelines and have heroically held to their recipe of liquidation.
Tens of thousands of Austrians blame Mr Meinl for losses on share certificates which bore the Meinl brand, a responsibility he emphatically rejects.
Pauli was an Austrian who did his PhD under Sommerfeld in Munich and then post-doced with Max Born in Gottingen and also with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen.
In a letter included in Popper's collection at Hoover, Einstein advises the young Austrian to abandon his quest and to remember the true logic of scientific discovery.
Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the art dealers, auctioneers, artists and museum directors who came to attend the preview at the Greek capital were German or Austrian.
Austrians of German mother tongue, by far the country "s largest ethnic group, form between 85% and 89% of its population."
For many Italians and Austrians, they begin in Slovenia, the Western outpost of the Slavic hordes.
Around ten percent of Austria "s people are of non-Austrian descent, many from surrounding countries, especially from the former East Bloc nations."
As of the end of the 20th century about 73% of Austria "s population are registered as Roman Catholic, while about 5% considering themselves being Protestants."
Jay Goldner, a jolly Austrian with a ponytail, whose bravura presentation wins a standing ovation with Wolf whistles, thinks he does.
The events were watched with amusement and exhaustion by Austrians.
NR: That's right, you're Austrian, of course. So, when did you start to learn English?
The Austrian great surmised that Hamilton's desire to quit the race early did "not make a good impression".
On its surface, this ought to be what I'm seeking — a Chinese restaurant with a name partly French, and located outside Chinatown by its Austrian creator.
A city of northwest Italy west of Milan. The Austrians defeated the Piedmontese here in 849. Population, 0, '35.
Germans and Austrians have a similar sentiment, said Stuart Friedman, founder of Global Context, a cross-cultural communication firm based in Redwood City, California in the US.
The per capita GDP of Austria is at the forefront of the world, because of its well-developed vocational education.
The per capita GDP of Austria is at the forefront of the world, because of its well-developed vocational education.