• 白兰度总共获得了8次奥斯卡提名

    Brando received eight Oscar nominations altogether.


  • 这部电影奥斯卡金像奖提名。

    The movie was nominated for an Oscar.


  • 已经获得九次奥斯卡提名

    He has had nine Oscar nominations.


  • 奥斯卡拥有新的自行车

    Oscar had a new bicycle.


  • 奥斯卡比赛本周之后进入最后阶段。

    The Oscars race will enter the homestretch after this weekend.


  • 看来奥斯卡金像奖非莫属。

    She looks certain to win an Oscar.


  • 获得很多荣誉–其中包括奥斯卡奖。

    He was showered with honours – among them an Oscar.


  • 部影片砸锅了,奥斯卡一项得着。

    The movie struck out and didn't win a single Oscar.


  • 制作的每部电影几乎获得了奥斯卡提名

    Practically every film he made was nominated for an Oscar.


  • 正要父母奥斯卡干净衣服

    She was going over to her parents' house to pick up some clean clothes for Oskar.


  • 这位演员表演出色而认为有望获得奥斯卡奖。

    The actor is tipped to win an Oscar for his performance.


  • 这部电影荣获九项奥斯卡金像奖包括最佳影片奖

    The movie won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture.


  • 这些奥斯卡金像奖看来证实了职业生涯的价值

    The Academy Awards appear to validate his career.


  • 那位德国出生的摄影师受到奥斯卡·王尔德作家的尊重。

    The German-born photographer was admired by writers such as Oscar Wilde.


  • 这部恐怖片大师萨姆·莱米执导的影片几乎可以稳获奥斯卡提名

    The filmdirected by horror-meister Sam Raimi – is almost assured an Oscar nomination.


  • 奥斯卡怎么做到的呢?

    How does Oscar do it?


  • 这部电影获得了1985年奥斯卡金像奖。

    The film won an Oscar award for 1985.


  • 安妮·本尼迪克特获得奥斯卡最佳配角奖。

    Anne Benedict receives the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.


  • 实用英语课堂告诉关于电影奥斯卡一切

    Practical English Classroom tells you everything about movies and Oscar.


  • 延续了自1961年开始奥斯卡计划方面的努力

    It continued the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR.


  • 好莱坞房子里,每年可以去参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼。

    You live in a big house in Hollywood, go to the Oscars every year.


  • 诸如奥斯卡金像奖得主乔治·克鲁尼名人计划集会演讲

    Celebrities such as Academy Award winning actor George Clooney are scheduled to speak at the rally.


  • 奥斯卡认真地了嗅,然后起身走来,轻轻地耳朵后面

    Oscar sniffed it intently, then stood up to move toward me, allowing me to gently scratch him behind the ears.


  • 好莱坞房子里,每年奥斯卡捧得奖杯!你会有钱出名

    You'll live in a big house in Hollywood, go to the Oscars every year—and win! You'll be rich and famous.


  • 斯的获胜评委团最热门选择,而评审团今年主席是本届获得奥斯卡奖的导演李安

    Firth's win was an extremely popular choice by the jury, whose president this year was the Oscar-winning director Ang Lee.


  • 1894年,奥斯卡·王尔德嘲笑说:“如今几乎没有无用信息非常可悲事情。”

    "It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information," quipped Oscar Wilde in 1894.


  • 奥斯卡一次农作事故失去爪后,人们担心恐怕靠那种轮式装备滑滑去了。

    When Oscar the cat lost both his hind paws in a farming accident, it was feared he'd have to trundle around in one of those wheeled-cat apparatuses.


  • 梅丽尔·斯特里普娘子》中饰演英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔夫人赢得了今年奥斯卡最佳女主角

    The Iron Lady, in which Meryl Streep played the role of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, won her the best leading actress of this year's Academy Awards(Oscars).


  • 水形物语》是第90届奥斯卡最大赢家,赢得了4个奥斯卡奖项:最佳艺术指导、最佳原创配乐、最佳导演和最佳影片。

    The Shape of Water was a big winner at the 90th Academy Awards, winning four Oscars: Best Production Design, Best Score, as well as Best Director and Best Picture.


  • 龙在电影行业从业56年后获得了奥斯卡奖。

    Jackie Chan won an Oscar after his 56-year-long career in the film industry.


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