• 他们几大盘奶酪水果

    They were served platters of cheese and fruit.


  • 这种奶酪有种柔和的、淡淡的味道

    This cheese has a soft, mild flavour.


  • 玛莎那时每天吃将近奶酪

    Martha would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day.


  • 这种奶酪至少要搁成熟

    The cheese is left to age for at least a year.


  • 两种奶酪味道口感不相同

    The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture.


  • 饮食俭省奶酪米饭豆类

    The diet was frugal: cheese and water, rice and beans.


  • 皮特吃了若干个硬面包圈奶油奶酪

    Peter noshed bagels and cream cheese.


  • 狼吞虎咽地吃剩余饼干奶酪

    He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.


  • 没有胃口只是拨弄着那些面包奶酪

    She had no appetite, and merely toyed with the bread and cheese.


  • 我们午餐吃的是面包奶酪的是啤酒。

    For lunch we had bread and cheese, washed down with beer.


  • 还有剩下奶酪蛋糕吗?

    Is there any cheesecake left?


  • 烤糕饼时加一整奶酪可能显得过于浪费

    Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem extravagant.


  • 牛奶过敏可能会对奶酪也有不良反应

    Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese.


  • 奶酪开始出水了

    The cheese was beginning to sweat.


  • 奶酪味道冲。

    The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste.


  • 拿出厚厚的奶酪,切下一急匆匆地了。

    He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily.


  • 几乎没一点东西,只是拨弄着碟子里奶酪

    She hardly ate a thing, just toyed with a piece of cheese on her plate.


  • 这种奶酪18个月后发酵成熟,气孔多,组织松脆,味道浓郁。

    Matured over 18 months, this cheese has an open, crumbly texture with a strong flavour.


  • 巴尔马干酪一个用来描述一类坚硬意大利奶酪通用名称

    Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.


  • 午餐场盛宴蔬菜奶酪酸奶水果,以及不限量葡萄酒

    Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.


  • 英国每年5月举行奶酪大赛

    Cheese Rolling Championships take place in May every year in Britain.


  • 甚至尝到美味荷兰奶酪

    I even got to taste some delicious Dutch cheese.


  • 比萨饼放了一些奶酪

    He puts some cheese on the pizza.


  • 奶酪黄油糖果

    I don't eat cheese, butter, and candies.


  • 可以吃到奶酪三明治

    You can get grilled cheese sandwiches.


  • 块饼干上放了奶酪

    He put cheese on a cracker.


  • 我们需要休息一下,奶酪巧克力

    We need a break for cheese and chocolate.


  • 新鲜乳酪不是陈年奶酪

    Fresh cheese is not the aged cheese.


  • 道菜强烈奶酪

    This dish has a strong flavour of cheese.


  • 通心粉奶酪怎么样?

    How about macaroni and cheese?


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