• 印度,东北部邦大部分地区都没有嫁妆习俗。

    There's no dowry system in most of the North Eastern states of India.


  • 作为嫁妆一部分一个女人证明女红手艺跟小脚一样优秀。

    As part of her dowry, a woman would make several pairs of shoes as proof of her needlework ability, as well as her small feet.


  • 有角畜群身份象征;是一个没有银行系统的土地上,积攒财富的方式;也是嫁妆主要组成部分。

    Horned herds are a status symbol, a way of storing wealth in a land without a banking system, and the main currency in which dowries are paid.


  • 筷子传统上是被当作新娘嫁妆因为“筷子”汉语中读作“kuaizi”,听起来很像儿子”。

    Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries, because "chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "kuaizi", which sounds like "get a son soon."


  • 婚礼奥里萨邦Jajpur 区的印度寺庙举行。 除了新娘为一条有着丰厚嫁妆的乡下狗狗外,结婚仪式传统仪式无异。

    The ceremony, at a Hindu temple in Orissa state's Jajpur district, was conducted with all the rituals observed at traditional weddings.


  • 繁荣印度北部地区如果女子家人不能拿出足够嫁妆,她们被杀或是毁容

    In prosperous northern Indian states, women whose families have failed to stump up a sufficient dowry still get killed or disfigured.


  • 赛曼先生鼓励她的小朋友准备一份美丽的嫁妆

    Mr. Sesemann encouraged her to get together a good outfit for her little friend.


  • 传说西班牙国王菲利普四世1664年买下颗钻石作为女儿玛格丽特·特蕾莎嫁妆

    It's rumored that King Philip IV of Spain purchased the jewel and included it in the dowry of his teenage daughter, Margaret Teresa, in 1664.


  • 紧随雨季婚礼季节中,许多闪亮饰品都会被' l造购来作为嫁妆

    The wedding season, which comes after the monsoon, is just around the corner. Lots of shiny things will be expected as part of the dowry.


  • 嫁妆喀土穆苏丹Allowathb提交关于专题评论阿拉伯语如果的是一回事走向世界,那会是什么?”

    Dowry Allowathb of Khartoum, Sudan, submitted a comment in Arabic on the topic "If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be?" which came out in English as.


  • 现在欧洲试着讨好这位漂亮新娘北京带回嫁妆——碳氢化合物

    Now the Europeans will try to woo the beautiful bride and her dowry of hydrocarbons back from Beijing.


  • 第二天早上女儿们醒来发现她们长统袜里装满了金子足够她们嫁妆

    The next morning when the daughters awoke they found their stockings contained enough gold for them to get married.


  • 贵族家庭愿意超过一个女儿嫁妆其余的女儿就被丢弃在修道院。

    Aristocratic families were loth to stump up dowries for more than one daughter. The rest were walled away.


  • 家庭得到嫁妆或者甚至可能嫁入一个有较高社会地位的家庭。

    Poorer families can either get a dowry or maybe even marry into a family of higher social standing.


  • 尽管很多男人已经退休固定收入过活他们还要帮助妻子大家庭。通常这样的帮助都几千美元嫁妆开始

    Even though many men are retired and living on a fixed income, they are expected to help support their wives' extended families, beginning with a dowry of several thousand dollars.


  • 的确非洲领导者们自己大陆看作美丽新娘拥有原油矿产资源闪烁嫁妆,而且招致一个狂喜的世界去追求。

    Indeed, Africa's leaders still like to think of their continent as a gorgeous bride, with a glittering dowry of oil and minerals, to be courted by a swooning world.


  • 许多儿童婚姻的案例中,女孩许配给大龄男人以期得到嫁妆回报或者由于习俗父亲在孩提时代便允诺子女婚姻

    In many child marriages, girls are given away to older men in return for dowries or following the custom by which a father promises his daughters and sons to marriage while still children.


  • 觉得如果因为上大学欠了,那就是笔价值为负嫁妆,那样的话就愿意了。

    And he thought that if I had college debt - a negative dowry - no one would want to marry me.


  • 然而经济繁荣印度北部地区,不要说掌控新娘的价格,没有嫁妆没人,没有足够嫁妆女子甚至被杀或是毁容。

    Yet in prosperous northern Indian states, far from commanding a bride-price, women whose families have failed to stump up a sufficient dowry still get killed and disfigured.


  • 如果儿子档婚事满意那么家人聚集到一起嫁妆问题,谈婚礼问题。谈他们聘请担任结婚典礼的司仪,还谈其他别的一些事情。

    If her son is also pleased, then the two families get together to talk about the dowry, the wedding ceremony, who they will hire to perform the marriage and other matters.


  • 随着印度越来越嫁妆越来越奢侈,同时慢慢传到了置办嫁妆不那么流行南部地区泰米尔纳德邦喀拉拉邦

    Rather, as Indians grow wealthier, dowries are getting more lavish and are spreading to places where they were once rare, such as in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, in the south.


  • 随着印度越来越嫁妆越来越奢侈,同时慢慢传到了置办嫁妆不那么流行南部地区泰米尔纳德邦喀拉拉邦

    Rather, as Indians grow wealthier, dowries are getting more lavish and are spreading to places where they were once rare, such as in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, in the south.


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