There are some discrepancies between the proportion surviving curves and survivorship curves.
Cell survival curves were determined by colony formation method to evaluate changes of radiosensitivity of the cells.
The diameter structure, importance value, distribution pattern and survival curve of broad-leaved Korean pine of over-logged forest in Jingouling forest Farm was analysed.
The authors drew up the life table of the David's Deer population and its growth curve, mortality curve and survival curve in Dafeng nature reserve area.
The time specific life table, survivorship curve and age structure of Cathaya argyrophylla population were obtained through analysing the demography and age structures of its main coenopopulations.
The age specific survival rate of 17 years old females are 0 58. The analysis results of standard survival and life span expectation suggested that their life span could reach 33 to 38 years of age.
The community feature, size-class structure, the regulation of changing density were analyzed and the survival curve, the death curve and the life table were worked out.
The population dynamic of Tsuga tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve was studied and its age structure, the life table, survival curve, mortality rate and killing power curve were analyzed.
The population dynamic of Tsuga tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve was studied and its age structure, the life table, survival curve, mortality rate and killing power curve were analyzed.