• 可以保证,绝对安全

    She's perfectly safe, I can assure you.


  • 进行安全检查期间生产暂停

    Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out.


  • 安全警戒使机场陷入停顿状态。

    The security alert brought the airport to a standstill.


  • 为了保证安全总是

    For reasons of security the door is always kept locked.


  • 我们安全标准问题上放松。

    We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards.


  • 我们睡袋里睡觉,暖和安全

    We were warm and safe, cocooned in our sleeping bags.


  • 他们他们知道,他们安全

    They want to let them know that they are safe.


  • 那家公司违反安全条例

    The company was found guilty of contravening safety regulations.


  • 安全起见元件做了绝缘处理。

    In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated.


  • 这种疗法是否安全争论很大

    There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment.


  • 他们机场实行安全检查

    They carried out security checks at the airport.


  • 我们车里狮子,很安全

    We watched the lions from the safety of the car.


  • 总的来看认为安全

    I think you're pretty safe, considering.


  • 他用安全软件自己的。

    The security software he uses is home brew.


  • 安全啦!”汤姆高兴大声说道

    'You're safe!' Tom cried in delight.


  • 不管怎样安全

    Well, anyways, she said it wasn't safe.


  • 悬赏要求动物安全送还

    A reward was offered for the animal's safe return.


  • 担心这种疗法是否安全

    I'm worried about the safety of the treatment.


  • 他们安全构成严重威胁

    They pose a serious threat to security.


  • 飞行员驾驶飞机安全着陆

    The pilot landed the plane safely.


  • 该国加强国内安全防卫

    The country stepped up internal security.


  • 他们非常关注安全问题。

    They are seriously concerned about security.


  • 安全标准根本不管用了。

    Safety standards have gone down the drain.


  • 宣布屋顶安全隐患

    The roof was declared unsafe.


  • 他们安全担心

    They are anxious for her safety.


  • 夜间在街上安全

    It's not safe to walk the streets at night.


  • 马路上安全吗?

    Will the car be safe parked in the road?


  • 安全委员会主席

    She's the chairperson of the safety committee.


  • 禁止吸烟安全

    In the interest(s) of safety, smoking is forbidden.


  • 我们担心安全

    We fear for his safety.


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